Tamil actor and Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK) chief Vijay joined the growing chorus of accusations against Union Home Minister Amit Shah, accusing him of insulting Dr BR Ambedkar. Vijay’s condemnation comes after Congress shared an edited video of Shah’s remarks in Parliament, where he allegedly disrespects Ambedkar.
However, when considering the whole context, Shah’s comments directly criticised Congress, not an attack on Ambedkar. During the debate on the 75th anniversary of the Constitution, Shah accused Congress of manipulating the Constitution for its political benefit and highlighted Ambedkar’s historical disagreements with the party. Despite the context, Congress and its allies continue propagating a distorted narrative.
Congress’s Doctored Video
Yet another time, the Congress has ensured a narrative is set to send the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party on the backfoot. Just like how they peddled the edited video of Union Home Minister Amit Shah allegedly saying BJP will remove reservation, this time the Congress shared an edited video of HM Amit Shah speaking in Parliament.
Congress leaders and their allies’ efforts to portray Amit Shah and the BJP as ‘anti-Ambedkar,’ ‘anti-Constitution,’ or ‘anti-Dalit’ crumble when the full context of Shah’s statement is considered.
On 17 December 2024, Congress’s official social media account shared a 12-second clip of Amit Shah’s address during a two-day discussion in the Rajya Sabha marking 75 years of the Constitution. The clip included Shah saying, “Now it has become a fashion- Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar… If you take the name of God this much, you would attain heaven for seven lives.” Amit Shah has said something very disgusting. This shows that the BJP and RSS leaders have a lot of hatred for Baba Saheb Ambedkar. The hatred is such that they are even irritated by his name. These are the same people whose ancestors used to burn the effigies of Baba Saheb, who themselves used to talk about changing the constitution given by Baba Saheb. When the public taught them a lesson, now they have become irritated with those who take the name of Baba Saheb. Shameful! Amit Shah should apologize to the country for this.”
"अभी एक फैशन हो गया है- अंबेडकर, अंबेडकर, अंबेडकर, अंबेडकर, अंबेडकर..
इतना नाम अगर भगवान का लेते तो सात जन्मों तक स्वर्ग मिल जाता."
अमित शाह ने बेहद घृणित बात की है.
इस बात से जाहिर होता है कि BJP और RSS के नेताओं के मन में बाबा साहेब अंबेडकर जी को लेकर बहुत नफरत है.
नफरत… pic.twitter.com/zXkefmGkLI
— Congress (@INCIndia) December 17, 2024
Vijay Joins The Congress Bandwagon
After the Congress and other political party leaders peddled the narrative, joining the bandwagon is Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam leader, actor Vijay.
Taking to his official X account, he wrote, “Some people may be allergic to the name Ambedkar. He was an incomparable political and intellectual figure who was held in high esteem by all the people of India who breathed the air of freedom. Ambedkar… Ambedkar… Ambedkar… His name May the heart and lips rejoice. Let’s keep pronouncing it. We can never allow insults to our political leader. On behalf of the Tamil Nadu Victory Party, I strongly condemn the Union Home Minister for insulting the Prime Minister.”
யாரோ சிலருக்கு வேண்டுமானால் அம்பேத்கர் பெயர் ஒவ்வாமையாக இருக்கலாம். சுதந்திரக் காற்றை சுவாசிக்கும் இந்திய மக்கள் அனைவருக்கும் அவர்கள் உயரத்தில் வைத்துப் போற்றும் ஒப்பற்ற அரசியல் மற்றும் அறிவுலக ஆளுமை, அவர்.
அம்பேத்கர்… அம்பேத்கர்…
அவர் பெயரை
உள்ளமும் உதடுகளும்…— TVK Vijay (@tvkvijayhq) December 18, 2024
During the debate on the “Glorious Journey of 75 Years of the Constitution of India,” Minister Shah remarked, “It has become a fashion to say Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar. If they had invoked God’s name that many times, they would have earned a place in heaven.”
Shah expressed that while the BJP welcomed the Congress’s acknowledgment of Dr. Ambedkar, the party should also express its genuine feelings towards him. He pointed out that Ambedkar had resigned from the first Cabinet due to disagreements with the Congress-led government’s policies, including its stance on Article 370. Shah further accused Congress of making several amendments to the Constitution for its own benefit, citing how Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru had enacted the first constitutional amendment before the country’s first elections, which “limited freedom of expression.” “You treat the Congress like your family’s property, and now you treat the Constitution the same way,” Shah stated.
Contrary to the false accusations from Congress and other political party leaders, Amit Shah did not insult Dr. Ambedkar. Instead, he highlighted how Congress has manipulated the Constitution to serve its own political interests.
कांग्रेस की विश्वसनीयता शून्य हो गई है। इसलिए अब भ्रम फैलाने की राजनीति का सहारा लेना पड़ रहा है। गृहमंत्री अमित शाह जी का पूरा बयान कांग्रेस की बाबा साहेब अंबेडकर और दलित समाज के प्रति नफ़रत को उजागर करता है। पूरा भाषण सुनिए। https://t.co/rIUtEj1bS7 pic.twitter.com/dw5Ne2AJXT
— Amit Malviya (@amitmalviya) December 17, 2024
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