The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) vigilance team has sealed a shop within the premises of the Sri Venkateswara Swamy Temple in Tirumala. The action was taken after it was found that the store was selling fancy items, such as bracelets and chains, featuring symbols from religions other than Hinduism. The TTD has enforced a strict policy prohibiting the display or use of religious symbols not associated with Hinduism at the Tirumala temple complex.
The store was inspected following a complaint alleging that it was selling bracelets engraved with the ‘Jesus’ name and cross on them. These cross-shaped bracelets were indeed found.
This follows a similar incident on 27 June 2023, when it was reported that a teacup at a shop on Tirupati Hill was printed with a symbol resembling a Christian cross. Devotees raised concerns about this shop, prompting TTD officials to investigate. The inspection revealed that cups with cross-shaped patterns were being used at a tea shop near the BSNL office, leading to the confiscation of the cups and the shop’s closure. Temple authorities also warned that no religious symbols other than Hindu ones should be used or displayed on Tirupati Hill.
After a year without similar incidents, this recent issue has resurfaced. The temple authorities have reiterated their warnings to all shops in the area to comply with the guidelines.
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