TN: Speaker Appavu Rebukes Dairy Minister Mano Thangaraj For Off-Topic Criticism Of BJP During Dairy Debate During Assembly Session

During the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly session that commenced on 20 June 2024, Speaker M Appavu reproached Minister Mano Thangaraj of the Milk and Dairy Development portfolio for attempting to critique the ruling BJP government at the Centre while responding to the debate on grant requests on 22 June 2024.

Thangaraj participated in discussions concerning the Dairy Department’s subsidy request, where he also unveiled new initiatives. However, his address took a controversial turn as he launched into a critique of the BJP’s policies, accusing them of taking control of various institutions, intimidating opposition parties, and engaging in divisive propaganda.

Speaker Appavu intervened promptly, admonishing Thangaraj for straying from the debate’s focus. Speaker Appavu said, “We drop the word ‘false’ from the Assembly records, (it’s) untruthful .. Come to the subject, come to the subject.”  Minister Mano Thangaraj justified that it is necessary for a political party to speak on politics, “Mr. Chairman, we as a political party should talk a little about politics, we are standing after the end of a critical election, I will finish in the time you have given me, please I’m asking you to allow me to speak.”

Appavu emphasized the importance of parliamentary etiquette and urged Thangaraj to adhere to the established norms of decorum and not to speak like in a political rally on the Assembly floor. Despite Thangaraj’s attempt to justify his remarks as pertinent to political discourse following a critical election, Appavu reiterated the need for relevance and civility within departmental debates. The Speaker redirected Thangaraj to discuss matters pertinent to the dairy sector, instructing him to refrain from irrelevant discussions.

Again Speaker Appavu warned, “They have spoken in the debate on the grant request of the Milk and Dairy Development department, and everyone’s wish is to answer it, and we should go beyond that… you can just touch touchstone of reality. It is not polite if you speak like you are speaking outside in the (political) platform, the assembly has some civility and you have to behave according to it, but if you speak beyond that, it is not good.”

Later, Minister Thangaraj reassured that he would uphold the decorum of the assembly sessions. However, the Speaker urged the minister to drop the issue, indirectly referencing senior ministers. Despite this, the minister cited the Human Development Index once more and uttered that India tops in false propaganda. This prompted the Speaker to express anger, demanding that the minister stick to the relevant topic. The Speaker warned that anyway the irrelevant remarks would be expunged from the assembly records. Subsequently, Thangaraj shifted his focus to the dairy industry, announcing plans for the purchase of 1.8 million liters of milk and assuring the procurement of 6.6 million liters in the near future.

(with inputs from DTNext)

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