Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi has publicly criticized the state government for allegedly showing disrespect to Mahatma Gandhi by not organizing significant events at the Gandhi Mandapam in Chennai. The Governor’s remarks came after he paid tribute to the Father of the Nation and shared his concerns on the social media platform X on the official handle of Raj Bhavan.
Ravi emphasized that Gandhi Mandapam, a monumental tribute to Gandhi built by former Chief Minister K. Kamaraj in 1956, is situated on a large plot of land near the Guindy National Zoological Park in Chennai. He questioned the appropriateness of holding memorial events marking Gandhi’s birthday and martyrdom day at a corner of the city museum, as opposed to the iconic Gandhi Mandapam.
In his post, the Governor stated, “Gandhi Mandapam is a grand memorial of the Father of the Nation built over a sprawling land adjacent to the Guindy National Park, Chennai by K. Kamaraj in 1956. Does it make any sense to do Gandhi memorial events – his birthday and martyrdom day in a corner of a city museum? My repeated requests to the Chief Minister to accord due respect to the Father of the Nation and hold such events in a befitting manner at the Gandhi Mandapam met with stubborn refusal. During his life time Gandhi Ji was vigorously opposed and mocked by the followers of Dravid ideology. But should he continued to be mocked at even today?”
"Gandhi Mandapam is a grand memorial of the Father of the Nation built over a sprawling land adjacent to the Guindy National Park, Chennai by K. Kamaraj in 1956. Does it make any sense to do Gandhi memorial events – his birthday and martyrdom day in a corner of a city museum? My…
— RAJ BHAVAN, TAMIL NADU (@rajbhavan_tn) January 30, 2025
Ravi’s comments reflect his ongoing concerns about the way Gandhi’s legacy is treated in Tamil Nadu. He pointed out that despite Gandhi’s central role in India’s independence movement, his followers continue to face criticism from certain sections of the state’s political spectrum.
(With inputs from Times of India)
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