On Sunday, Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi criticised Chief Minister MK Stalin over his ‘childish’ jibe, saying the latter’s arrogance was inappropriate. In a post on the social media platform X, the Tamil Nadu Raj Bhavan said: “Stalin asserts that insisting on due respect for the National Anthem and performing the fundamental duties enshrined in the Constitution is ‘absurd’ and ‘childish.’ Thanks for betraying the true intentions of the coalition of interests and ideologies to which he is a leader that does not accept or respect Bharat as a nation and Her Constitution.” “Such arrogance is not good. Please do not forget that Bharat is the supreme Mother, and the Constitution is the supreme faith for her children. They will not like or tolerate such brazen insults,” Governor R.N. Ravi added.
The Governor’s response came a day after Chief Minister Stalin criticised him, calling his decision to skip the customary Assembly address “childish.” The controversy began on January 6 when Governor Ravi left the Tamil Nadu Assembly without delivering the customary inaugural address. According to the Raj Bhavan, the Governor left “in deep anguish” because the National Anthem was not played.
In his rebuttal during the debate on the motion of thanks to the Governor’s address, Stalin alleged that Ravi’s actions stemmed from his inability to “digest” Tamil Nadu’s progress. He remarked: “The Tamil Nadu Assembly has been witnessing strange scenes ever since Ravi assumed office as Governor. In 2022, he delivered his address without altering the speech, but in the following years, he avoided the customary address, citing absurd reasons.” Stalin stated, “I may be an ordinary person, but this Legislative Assembly came into existence because of the aspirations of crores of people. I believe the Governor cannot tolerate the state’s development.”
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