The Tamil Nadu BJP has criticized the DMK government and Industries Minister TRB Rajaa for failing to disclose details about the investments supposedly attracted at the recent World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. While other states like Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Telangana have publicly announced the investments they secured, the BJP has pointed out that Tamil Nadu has yet to release any concrete data on the matter, despite the claims that Rajaa attended the event to draw in investment.
On its official X account, the BJP made a sarcastic remark, saying, “Industries Minister @TRBRajaa! The Uttar Pradesh delegation secured investments worth ₹19,400 crore, Maharashtra attracted ₹15.7 lakh crore, and Telangana brought in ₹1.79 lakh crore. But why is Tamil Nadu is boasting about attracting investments without disclosing the actual figures? After Chief Minister @mkstalin came to power, it was claimed that MoUs worth ₹6,100 crore attracted from Dubai in 2022, MoUs worth ₹946.90 crore attracted from Japan in 2023, and in 2024, Spain saw investments worth ₹7,442 crore. But how many of these have been implemented, and how many jobs have actually been created?”
The BJP also raised concerns about the lack of appointment of Director in the state’s investment promotion agency, “Guidance Tamil Nadu,” which has been without an Executive Director for over a month. It questioned, “Why has the government agency responsible for promoting investments, ‘Guidance Tamil Nadu,’ not appointed an Executive Director since the past month? Is this the level of interest your DMK government has in attracting investments to Tamil Nadu? Is the Dravidian model about buttressing with lies responding to simple questions—such as how many crores in investments and new contracts were secured at Davos —with vague statements confusing people like ‘meetings with 50 companies,’ ‘positive discussions with other countries,’ and ‘gaining attention at the Economic Forum’? Stop going on a free tour with people’s tax money and boasting about investment attraction trips without saying a word!”
The post concluded with a dig at the Deputy Chief Minister, comparing the failure to address flooding issues with the lack of accountability over the ₹4,000 crore Chennai drainage works. It stated, “Do not follow the Deputy Chief Minister’s style of saying that ‘the drained floods are the white paper’ when asked for an account of the ₹4,000 crore Chennai drainage works.”
தொழில்துறை அமைச்சர் திரு @TRBRajaa அவர்களே !
டாவோஸ் உலகப் பொருளாதார மாநாட்டில் உத்திரப்பிரதேசம் குழு ரூ.19,400 கோடி முதலீடுகளையும் மஹாராஷ்டிரா குழு ரூ.15.70 லட்சம் கோடிக்கான முதலீடுகளையும், தெலுங்கானா ரூ.1.79 லட்சம் கோடிகளை ஈர்த்திருக்கும் நிலையில், தமிழகம் ஈர்த்துள்ள…
— BJP Tamilnadu (@BJP4TamilNadu) January 27, 2025
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