Sun News posted a video on social media platform X quoting Tamil Nadu Bharatiya Janata Party President K Annamalai’s speech during his En Mann En Makkal yatra. Annamalai was speaking about the lack of electricity at the Marudhamalai Murugan temple. Sun News posted the video with a question, “Was DMK in power in 1962?” and shared a photo of the engraved inauguration stone mentioning MGR and Chinnappa Devar, trying to prove that they fact checked the claim and it turned out to be wrong.
The incident that Annamalai quoted at his yatra mentions how it was Chinnappa Devar popularly known as Sandow MMA Chinnappa Devar was instrumental in getting an electricity connection for the Marudhamalai Temple in Coimbatore. Annamalai said, “One has to talk about the Marudhamalai Murugan temple when you are in the Kaundanpalayam area in Coimbatore. Until 1962, Marudamalai Murugan temple had no electricity. DMK was hell-bent on not providing an electricity connection to the temple. It was Chinnappa Devar who gave electricity connection to the temple. Chinnappa Devar is known for his contribution to the field of cinema. He was the person who paid a registration fee for the electricity connection and met MGR to urge him to provide electricity to the temple. This is an example to show that DMK is always anti-Hindu and against Sanathana Dharma.”
This incident took place in 1962 and Sun News assumed that Annamalai was trying to pin the blame for the lack of electricity on the DMK.
Watch | 1962ல் திமுக ஆட்சியா? – வைரலாகும் அண்ணாமலையின் ‘தெளிவான’ பேச்சு!#SunNews | #Annamalai | #KovaiBJP | #FactCheck
— Sun News (@sunnewstamil) September 27, 2023
Annamalai replied to this with a post on X. He said, “Generally I don’t respond to garbage, but have decided to make an exception today & clean it up for once. I have clearly said that Puratchi Thalaivar M G Ramachandran went to Marudamalai Murugan temple to inaugurate the electricity connection provided at the temple by accepting the request of Mr. Chinnappa Devar and defying the order put forth by the DMK. Concealing and distorting history is not new to DMK and their family-run media houses.”
Generally i don’t respond to garbage, but have decided to make an exception today & clean it up for once.
திமுக விதித்திருந்த கட்டுப்பாட்டை மீறி, ஐயா சின்னப்ப தேவர் அவர்களின் கோரிக்கையை ஏற்று புரட்சித் தலைவர் திரு எம் ஜி ஆர் அவர்கள் மருதமலை முருகன் கோவிலில் வழங்கப்பட்ட…
— K.Annamalai (@annamalai_k) September 27, 2023
He also shared screenshots of news articles about the said incident.
The Dinamalar article says, “The centenary celebrations of Sandow Chinnappa Devar, who achieved many heights in Tamil cinema production began on 28 June 2015. Until 1960, one had to walk to the Marudamalai Murugan temple, there was no proper walking path, electricity, or drinking water facilities. After sunset, devotees could not go to the temple. Once Devar came to know of this, he immediately paid the deposit for the electricity connection for the Kalveeranpalayam and Marudamalai villages. The connection was made available. As it was a time when electricity control was in force, Devar went to the Assembly (fort) and fought with the ruling government for this. Devar invited MGR to ‘switch on’ (inaugurate) the electric connection at Marudamalai. He said, “I have made 4 films with you, so with the profits I earned, this is the first thing I am doing with the profits. Please come and start it off Muruga…”
MGR was in a dilemma because of the DMK’s control! “Minister of Agriculture in the Congress Cabinet, Nallasenapati along with the Sugar Minister, installed electric lamps at Marudamalai, so if I “switch on” will it be ok,” hesitated MGR. “Muruga, you are doing it for the people, no one will question that, Don’t hesitate…” said Devar. MGR could not deny his request any further. “On 7 December 1962, I am proud to have had the opportunity to light the lamp in the temple of the deity worshiped by Devar Anna at the Garbagriha of Sevarkodi (flag of Lord Muruga) at Marudamalai,” MGR said.
Here is the subtitled version of the speech he gave at Kaundanpalayam quoting the Chinnappa Thevar-MGR incident.
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