TN Bishops’ Council Which Tried To Influence Voters On Communal Lines For LS 2024 ‘Condemns’ Guv RN Ravi For Speech Against Missionaries

The Tamil Nadu Bishops’ Council (TNBC) and Tamil Nadu Latin Bishops’ Council (TNLBC) have issued astrong condemnationagainst Tamil Nadu Governor R.N. Ravi for spreading what they claim to befalse propagandaduring a recent event. On Saturday, 7 September 2024, while addressing the golden jubilee celebrations of the Education Group in Chennai’s Mylapore, Governor Ravi delivered a speech highlighting the rise of a new Bharat and promoting the importance of Sanskrit education. However, his comments regarding the role of British missionaries seem to have affected the Christian community led by the TN Bishop Council. They alleged that his comments weredestroying India’s identity and educational system.

The Governor’s statement, accusing the British government and Christian missionaries of trying to destroy India’s identity and diminish the spirit of Bharat, has been described by the Bishops’ Council as historically inaccurate and deeplyoffensive‘. In response to the speech, the TN Bishop Council said, The Governor’s remarks are a gross distortion of history, suggesting that Christians were allied with the British in efforts to undermine India. This is an absolute falsehood.”

They alleged that Governor Ravi’s statements on Christian missionaries having stolen our wealth and artistic treasures and created a false identity for the people of our country, distorted history and made it wrong, also did not go down well with the Council. Further, they alleged that Governor Ravi speaking the truth about the missionaries as a well-planned conspiracy to spread false propaganda is seen by them as adivisive rhetoric aimed at the Christian community“.


Reverend George Anthonysamy, Archbishop of Mylapore and President of the Tamil Nadu Synod, expressed outrage, calling the Governor’s remarksprofanityand stating that Ravi’s actions are sowing division in society. He added, Governor Ravi’s speech was not only hateful but a clear attempt to incite communal tensions.”

The Archbishop further emphasized that Christians in India have long been deeply connected to the country’s traditions, values, and culture, and are committed to its development. He called for the Governor to stop promoting a politics of hatred and urged Ravi to focus on uniting people and fulfilling his constitutional duties.

Archbishop Accused Of Influencing Voters On Communal Lines During LS Polls 2024

It is noteworthy to remember that Archbishop George Anthonysamy himself came under fire for attempting to sway voters on communal lines during the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. A formal complaint was filed against the Archbishop after he penned an editorial in The New Leader magazine, which is affiliated with the Archdiocese of Madras-Mylapore.

In his editorial, titled “General Election 2024: Statement from Tamil Nadu Bishops’ Council,” the Archbishop allegedly invoked religious sentiments and criticized India’s central government, calling for Christians to vote against what he described as a “mono-cultural nation.” He further accused the Union Government of undermining India’s diversity, imposing communal laws such as the Uniform Civil Code, and curtailing the rights of Christians and Muslims.

The editorial raised alarm among various political and legal bodies, with some alleging that the Bishop’s statements amount to an attempt to polarize voters along religious lines. The Legal Rights Protection Forum (LRPF) filed a formal complaint with the Election Commission of India, accusing Archbishop Anthonysamy of violating election laws and misusing his religious authority to influence electoral outcomes.

Further allegations suggested that the Archdiocese of Madras-Mylapore and its associated organizations may be involved in illegal financial activities, including misuse of foreign funds under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA). Several organizations, including the Estate of Sir John De Monte and the Chennai Mylai Educational Society, are under scrutiny for allegedly receiving foreign donations meant for charitable purposes but using them to engage in political activities.

Following the complaint to the Election Commission of India (ECI), the ECI instructed the Chennai District Election Officer to address the issue of influencing voters along communal lines.

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