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Tirupur, TN: Muslim Woman Served Triple Talaq Within 28 Days Of Marriage; Police Refuse To Take Action Citing Lack Of Knowledge

In a troubling development in Tamil Nadu, Nasreen Fathima, a Muslim woman, has been served a Triple Talaq notice by her husband, Khader Riyaz, in Turupur. Despite the existence of The Muslim Women’s (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act of 2019, where the police declined to file a case, citing unfamiliarity with the Triple Talaq law.

Nasreen Fathima, aged 31 and from Palani, Dindigul district, married Khader Riyaz of Tirupur in August 2022. Within days, issues arose in their marriage, leading to mistreatment by Khader Riyaz’s family and demands for a dowry of several lakhs in gold. Subsequently, Nasreen was sent back to her family in September 2022.

Subsequently, Nasreen’s family had filed a dowry complaint against Khader Riyaz at the All-Women’s Police station in Palani but faced disappointment as no action was taken. They pursued legal avenues, resulting in an FIR being filed against Khader Riyaz and a court order for a police raid on his residence to recover the 32-sovereign gold jewelry Nasreen had brought into the marriage. Shockingly, all the jewelry was found missing during the raid.

In this backdrop, Khader Riyaz has issued the notice and also sent a minimal alimony of ₹1500 to Nasreen for her 28-days stay with him from August to September 2022. Expressing their frustration, Nasreen’s brother stated multiple complaints were lodged with the Women’s Commission and Human Rights Commission without response. The Deputy Superintendent of Police assured the family he would review the Triple Talaq law online but no action has followed. Media coverage of the Triple Talaq issue has been scant, with only a few outlets reporting on Nasreen’s case despite a press interview on 6 July 2024 that drew limited attention.

The family of Nasreen Fathima has brought this matter to the chief minister’s attention, seeking justice. However, they received a disappointing response indicating no immediate action could be taken, despite the legal protections in place against Triple Talaq. Unfortunately, this incident has received limited media coverage, further complicating efforts to address it.

The Hindu Munnani criticized the police for their inaction in a social media post, calling for Khader Riyaz to be prosecuted under the Triple Talaq law, underscoring the urgency of addressing such cases.

The state government’s inaction suggests reluctance, possibly due to concerns about backlash from Muslim organizations, given their historical opposition to the Triple Talaq bill. This raises doubts about the government’s commitment to women’s rights and equality. Additionally, the behavior of the Tamil Nadu police has been criticized for prioritizing action against social media dissent while neglecting rising crime rates and crucial issues like Triple Talaq, undermining public trust.

Overall, the lack of media coverage and government response highlight the need for more proactive measures to address Triple Talaq cases and uphold justice for affected women. Until there is genuine commitment and action from the government, Muslim women facing such injustices are unlikely to receive the justice they deserve.

(With inputs from Organiser)

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