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Theory behind origin and maximum mass of black holes

Recently, researchers have found the origin of the maximum mass of black holes. A team of physics researchers have done simulations of a dying star and have found the origin and mass of black holes. These theoretical physics researchers have found the origin by detecting the gravitational waves.

Earlier the of LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory) and VIRGO (Virgo Interferometric Gravitational-wave Antenna) detected the merger of two black holes in close binary systems.

It has been found that the masses of the black holes before merging are much larger than the previous holes.  In one such event, the GW 170729, it was observed that the mass of the black hole before merging was about as large as 50 solar masses.

A team of researchers at the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU) have studied the final stage of evolution of massive stars in close binary systems. The researchers have found that “pair-creation” makes the core unstable and accelerates the contraction to collapse through a process called pulsational pair instability.

There is a huge amount of gap present between the 52 and 150 solar mass. This predicts that a huge and massive circumstellar medium is being formed. The further gravitational-waves will tell whether the theoretical prediction is accurate or not. The prediction will further be strongly and effectively tested.

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