Image Courtesy: Economic Times
In this article, the four top armies of the world in terms of military power and equipment are described. Almost without a doubt, no country in the world does not have an army. A significant part of the world’s budget is spent on the armies of those countries because of the fear of security tensions. And more importantly, a large part of the financial circulation in today’s world is used to increase the military power of countries. One of the crucial things you should know about war is that many discoveries and inventions in the world have been made through wars. From the invention of gunpowder to telecommunications and many medicines that were first discovered and produced in war because war is basically an “Economic Activity.”
Although, since long ago, most wars have been fought to strengthen the economic power of the countries. Even Nader Shah’s military expedition and campaign to Indian soil took place to finance Iran’s budget in that period, as well as the presence and military expedition of the U.S.A. in Iraq and Afghanistan in the contemporary era. In addition to establishing and strengthening the U.S. military position in the Middle East, most of its costs were also obtained from the resources of countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Therefore, in this article, the four most powerful armies in the world in 2023 can be recalled.
1- The U.S. Army- First World Rank

The United States Army is the largest military force in the world. The U.S. military has the highest budget in the world, with a military budget of $762 billion. The U.S. Armed Forces have six divisions, the Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Ground Force, Space Force, Air Force, and Navy. The U.S. military was formed 247 years ago with the start of the American War of Independence from Britain in 1775. The President of the United States of America is the commander-in-chief and determines the military policies of the country’s Army. However, at the same time, the Minister of Defense, selected from among the government delegation members, is in charge of the Ministry of Defense.
The U.S. Army has participated in wars such as World War II, Vietnam War, Korean War, Iraq, and Afghanistan War, which means that almost the biggest battles in the world have either occurred or continued with the presence of this country. Of course, America was not present in the war at the beginning of the Second World War, but the incident of Pearl Harbor caused this country to enter the war and be on the Allied front alongside England and France.
One: The total number of personnel is 1,8320,00
Two: The active forces are 1,3900,00
Three: The total number of planes is 13,300
Four: The total number of fighters is 1914
Five: The total number of tanks is 5,500
Six: The total number of armored vehicles is 303,553
Seven: The total marine assets are 484
Eight: The number of submarines is 68
Nine: The number of aircraft carriers is 11
Ten: The military budget is 762 billion dollars.
2- The Russian Army- Second World Rank

The Russian Army, known as the Russian Armed Forces, is the second most powerful Army in the world. But this country ranks first in the world regarding the number of weapons and modern military equipment. Vladimir Putin, the current president of Russia, is in charge of the Supreme Forces. The Russian Army is divided into four categories: ground forces, naval forces, reserve forces, and aerospace forces. The Russian Army was formed in 1992 after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The Russian Army has at least two million reserve military personnel. With about one million active military personnel, it ranks fifth in the world regarding the number of people. The Russian Armed Forces have two independent arms, the Strategic Missile Forces and the Airborne Forces. The Russian Army has 83 billion dollars in the military budget. Regarding discipline and military training, the Russian Army is still influenced by the Red Army of the Soviet Communist era.
One: The total military personnel is 1,330,900
Two: The total active forces are 830,900
Three: The total number of planes is 4182
Four: The total number of fighters is 773
Five: The total number of tanks is 12,566
Six: The total number of armored vehicles is 151,642
Seven: The total marine assets are 598
Eight: The number of submarines is 70
Nine: The number of aircraft carriers is 1
Ten: The military budget is 83 billion dollars.
3- The Chinese Army- Third World Rank

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army is the third most powerful Army in the world. The Chinese Army was formed in 1927 with the Nanjing Uprising as the Red Army of Chinese Workers and Peasants. The People’s Liberation Army is the same as the National Army of China, which is controlled by the armed forces of the country, the Chinese Communist Party. The Chinese National Army consists of five major divisions: The Ground Force, Navy, Air Force, Missile Force, and Strategic Support Forces. Most military units nationwide operate in one of these five sectors, depending on their location. With a budget of 230 billion dollars, China’s national Army has second place in defense spending worldwide. With 2 million active personnel, it is known as the world’s largest Army in terms of military strength.
One: The total military personnel is 3,135000
Two: The total active forces are 2,000,000
Three: The total number of aircraft is 3284
Four: The total number of fighters is 1199
Five: The total number of tanks is 4950
Six: The total number of armored vehicles is 174,300
Seven: The total marine assets are 730
Eight: The number of submarines is 78
Nine: The number of aircraft carriers is 2
Ten: The military budget is 230 billion dollars.
Indian Army/Getty/Images
4- The Indian Army – Fourth World Rank

India has been declared the fourth-strongest Army in the world. India has been declared the fourth-strongest Army in the world. India is the largest Army in terms of military strength, with 1.5 million active personnel. And with a budget of 55 billion dollars, it is the third largest power in the world in terms of defense expenditure. The President of India is the Supreme Commander of the Indian Army forces. So, the Indian Army consists of four main divisions: The Ground Force, Navy Force, Air Force, and Helicopter Fleet. The Global Firepower ranking report is available at this link:
Will the Indian Army Be Able to Fight in Geopolitical Conflicts?
What should be addressed at the end of this article is that India faces two significant threats: Pakistan and China. Many experts and military analysts believe that the current capability of the Indian Army is very high to defeat Islamabad in a non-nuclear war. However, the evidence and analytical statistics in the paper also show that New Delhi will defeat Islamabad. But against a strong opponent called China, the Indians and their defensive and offensive system will inevitably have big problems. It still depends on how India will update its defensive and offensive system against the opponent called China, and this possibility is possible.
With the start of a war against a superpower called China, the Indian Army will quickly need spare parts and support from the manufacturing countries for its vast and diverse fleet. Now, imagine if all the countries exporting weapons to India will have the same opinion about the possible geopolitical and economic wars. Will a country like Russia or European countries with extensive economic relations with China help India easily? The next issue is the many problems and costs that maintenance and training of the military forces will have in support of a conflict. Those interested in military industries and sciences know that there are entirely different ideas in many schools of weapons design and manufacturing in the East and West of the world. Putting together all these military software and hardware, preparing the crew to use and service it, and finally, networking and getting results from these army systems. Nevertheless, this issue is challenging, time-consuming, and expensive at the same time.
One: The total military personnel is 5,132000
Two: The total active forces are 1,450000
Three: The total number of planes is 2210
Four: The total number of fighters is 577
Five: The total number of tanks is 4614
Six: The total number of armored vehicles is 100,882
Seven: The total marine assets are 292
Eight: The number of submarines is 18
Nine: The number of aircraft carriers is 2
Ten: The military budget is 55 billion dollars.
This article was written by Asadullah Jafari “Pezhman” – a Translator, Columnist, and former member of the Afghan National Army. He often writes and translates on Afghanistan and the Middle East issues.
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