In a dramatic turn of events, a police officer in Tenkasi, Tamil Nadu, has tendered his resignation, citing death threats after taking action against illegal sand smugglers. The officer, Prabhakaran, a Grade 1 police constable stationed at the Sivagiri Police Station, also accused senior officials, including the Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), of collusion with the sand mafia.
On 18 December, while patrolling, Prabhakaran stopped a vehicle transporting sand without proper documentation and confiscated it. He repeated similar actions with two other vehicles the same day. However, his efforts were met with severe backlash.
According to Prabhakaran, three individuals threatened his life, obstructed his work, and forcibly took back the seized vehicles. The officer claimed that despite notifying his superiors, no concrete actions were taken to address the threats or protect him.
In his resignation letter, Prabhakaran alleged that certain senior officers, including the Puliyangudi DSP, were complicit in the illegal sand smuggling activities. He presented evidence, including video and audio recordings, to substantiate his claims of corruption and negligence by high-ranking officials. He also accused Assistant Inspector Varadharajan and other officials of tampering with seized evidence, such as preparing fake passes for impounded vehicles and returning them to the sand mafia.
The officer highlighted systemic issues plaguing the police force, stating that unethical practices and corruption by senior officials have tarnished the reputation of the police. He cited alarming statistics of police suicides and deaths over the past few years, attributing them to workplace stress and harassment.
Prabhakaran further expressed fears for his safety, alleging that his phone and location were being illegally monitored by certain officials. He called for action against those involved in cybercrimes and the sand mafia’s illegal activities, which he claimed had caused significant losses to the government.
The resignation letter, now widely circulated on social media, has sparked outrage and drawn attention to the allegations. Senior police officials have reportedly initiated an inquiry, summoning the constable and DSP to investigate the claims.
Prabhakaran’s statement included a plea for action against the sand smuggling mafia and the officials complicit in enabling their operations. He also submitted extensive evidence, including audio, video, and photographs, to support his allegations.
The incident has stirred public debate, with many calling for a thorough investigation into the alleged corruption and threats faced by the officer. Senior officials are under scrutiny, and the case has raised serious questions about the integrity and safety of law enforcement personnel working against organized crime. As the investigation unfolds, the situation underscores the pressing need to address systemic corruption and ensure the protection of officers committed to their duty.
(With inputs from OneIndia Tamil)
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