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Taiwan Defence Ministry calls viral video that claimed Taiwan bringing down a Chinese jet as ‘fake news’

After the video clips of a jet burning and a pilot lying on the ground went viral with #Taiwan trending top on Twitter, the Taiwan Defence Ministry has refuted the claims that the country shot down a Chinese PLAAF aircraft saying that the information is fake news.

The Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of China confirmed that the information was ‘false’ and ‘completely untrue’.

In its statement, it said that the Air Force Command strongly condemns such malicious acts of deliberating, creating and disseminating false information on the internet in an attempt to confuse people.

The Ministry of National Defense also tweeted urging netizens to not spread fake news and strongly condemned the act.

Earlier, videos surfaced on social media claiming that a Chinese Sukhoi 35 aricraft of the People’s Liberation Army-Air Froce (PLAAF) was shot down by Taiwan’s Air Defence systems.

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