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Southern part of Australia becomes corona-free

In a milestone of sorts, South Australia has been reported corona-free, as there have been no active cases since Friday. The last reported number of cases was 439, and there haven’t been any new corona cases in the last 23 days.

Health officials have urged the citizens that the fight against COVID-19 isn’t over and have asked to maintain strict social distancing. While talking about it, Chief Public Health Officer Nicola Spurrier said that there could be a rapid increase if social distancing was not continued, since there have been cases of relapse all over the world.

Complete lockdown relaxation is still being debated for the above reasons, although business groups have been lobbying for the date to be brought forward by three days to allow outlets to take advantage of the long-weekend. “It’s still a disgusting disease, it’s still a very nasty disease and thousands of people are still dying. We can’t take our foot off the brake, we’ve got to do everything we can to keep everyone safe in South Australia”, said Premier Steven Marshall.

Discussions around lifting of restrictions over restaurants, bars and pubs, allowing up to 20 people, from June 8 are also underway.

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