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Shocking: 3 persons locked in a room for 10 years rescued

A voluntary charity organisation recently rescued three members of the same family who were locked in a room for the past 10 years in Rajkot, Gujarat. They had gotten information about these 3 persons from unnamed sources and immediately rushed to spot.

The volunteers were shocked to find the sorry state that they were in. Looking like beggars with matted locks and covered in human waste, they were too physically weak to even get up. Two brothers and sister had spent 10 years locked in a room without light or proper food. Shockingly, all three of them were well educated graduates While the eldest brother Amrish is a lawyer, Meghana, the sister is a psychology graduate, the youngest son is a BA graduate and a budding cricket player.

They had been rendered mentally ill and severely traumatized after their mother had passed away tragically. Following this, they had locked themselves in a room for the past ten years. They had been provided with food and water by their father Patel, who used to leave food outside the door of their room. Neighbours however suspect that this had been the act of the father who was very much into superstitions and had believed that his children had somehow been cursed.

They have now been cleaned up and admitted into rehabilitation centres where they are receiving care.

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