Senior IUML leader MK Muneer threatened by Islamists in Kerala for criticizing Taliban

After the Taliban took over Afghanistan many Islamic political parties were seen celebrating, however, MK Muneer who is the senior Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) leader and an MLA from the Koduvally constituency in Kerala and received death threats after he criticised the Taliban

Muneer in a Facebook post had criticised the Taliban for unleashing brutality on the Afghan people and immediately he received death threats over his Facebook post on Wednesday (August 25).

The letter warned that Muneer must delete the Anti-Taliban post or he and his family would be eliminated and the letter also reminded the Kerala leader that he would meet the fate of Professor TJ Joseph in Thodupuzha, whose hands were chopped off in 2010 on allegations of blasphemy.

Muneer also received multiple threats online after he published the post on Facebook and was asked not to defame the Taliban and Islam.

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