The Chennai Police are investigating CCTV footage of a gang that targeted SBI ATMs specifically and looted millions of rupees in a different manner. When the bank officials had checked the amount withdrawn by the customers in the SBI ATM in Valasaravakkam, it was found that the amount had reduced to ₹2 lakh. Similarly, ATMs in Ramapuram, Valluvar Kottam, Velachery and Tharamani had also reported similar issues. There were complaints filed to the police that there was less money in the machines as well.
Consequently, the CCTV footage on the specified day when the cash was seized was obtained to find the identity of mystery persons. During the investigation, it was revealed that the money was stolen in the same style targeting only SBI ATMs. Since it is also possible to withdraw money at a cash deposit machine, the robbers figured out that failure to withdraw the amount within 20 seconds will result in the cash going back into the machine.
They went on to open a fake bank account and kept only a small amount in it. They used this trick and used to wait for 20 seconds after the money arrived, and when the money goes back inside, they would place their fingers in the sensor area and take the money. The machine will also assume that the money was not taken, since the money was not withdrawn in 20 seconds.
Thus, the balance in the relevant bank account will not decrease. They have repeatedly robbed millions of deposit machines using this technology. They have looted ₹15 lakh rupees at the rate of 10 thousand rupees in each machine.
Japan’s OKI ATM manufacturing company was the one that manufactured these ATMs. Bank officials said in the complaint that only the machines were robbed. Following this, SBI has decided to repeal the facility of withdrawing cash at ATMs using cash deposit machines manufactured by OKI. Bank management has banned. As OKI has been providing ATM machines to many banks, all the bank officials are investigating whether fraud has taken place in their bank ATMs.
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