Rebirth And Karma In Thirukkural: Will DMK And Dravidian Stocks Cancel Thiruvalluvar Now?

If the government does not like religion being taught at schools, it shouldn’t include Thirukural in the syllabus because the Hindu scripture composed by the Rishi Thiruvalluvar. Below is a thread with the list of Kurals from Thirukkural where rebirth and karma are mentioned:

Kural 38: “The good things you do without wasting a single day of your life, is the rock that will block your passage on the path to rebirth.” How can Valluvar be secular/irreligious if he believes in rebirth – a concept alien to the Abrahamic worldview?

Kural 358: “What is wisdom? It is that rare realization of the true nature of things, which banishes forever the folly of rebirth.” This is Valluvar’s Jnana Marga to Moksha – the fourth Purushartha.

Kural 8: The boundless ocean of births can be crossed, indeed, but not without intimate union with Infinity’s Holy Feet.” What’s that you see? Births in plural. Many births. Not one. An ocean of births. One must also consider which faith worships the holy feet of the Lord. Compare this to அவனருளாலே அவன் தாள் வணங்கி in Thiruvasagam.

Kural 1011: “Real shyness is to shy away from evil deeds. The rest are like the shyness of pretty women.” What’s the first word of this Kural? Karma.  Used in this context to signify bad Karma only.

Manusmriti(10.63) prescribes 5 tenets that are to be followed by all humans of all varnas – Samanya Dharma. The first of them is Ahimsa – non-violence, followed by Satyam (Truth) next. In Kural 323, Valluvar is quoting the exact order. “Not killing is the first and foremost good. The virtue of not lying comes next.” Ahimsa 1st, Satyam next – knowledge of this order implies Valluvar being aware of Manusmriti

It is also possible to classify Valluvar’s Arathupaal Kurals from Manusmriti’s Samanya Dharma perspective.  

  1. Chapter 33: கொல்லாமை: Ahimsa (Non-Killing)
  2. Chapter 30: வாய்மை: Satyam (Truth)
  3. Chapter 29: கள்ளாமை: Asteya (Non-Stealing)

Valluvar also mentions a lot of Hindu concepts (with verse number):

  • Indran: 25
  • Yaman: 326, 1050, 1083, 1085
  • Lakshmi: 84, 167, 179, 617, 920
  • Moodhevi, goddess of misfortune: 167, 617, 936
  • Vishnu: 610, 1103
  • Devas: 18, 25, 86, 346, 906, 1073
  • Pitrus: 43 Amritam: 82,1106 Shiva: 9, 580

These are not mere references; the deities are mentioned exactly as per Puranas.

  1. Moodhevi as elder sister of Lakshmi  
  2. Vaamana as Adi Alandhaan – step measurer  
  3. Devas as Imaiyaar – ones who do not blink (906).  

Devas do not blink/sweat/cast shadows according to scriptures

In Thirukkural 413, Valluvar uses the exact Dharmic terminology of Havis being consumed by Devas. “Humans on earth who consume the ear food (wisdom listening) are similar to Devas who consume the Havis (oblations offered with reverence) of the Yagna.” Only Vedic Hinduism believes in this.

Dravidam takes false pride in Valluvar by distorting and misquoting him as an irreligious, identity-less person. Real Tamils take real pride in Rishi Thiruvalluvar for who he was – a practising Hindu who wrote a globally appealing magnum opus of Bharatiya virtues, polity, and love in Thirukkural. His philosophical work is a gift from Thamizhagam to the world.

This article is based on a thread by Tamil Labs.

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