Is Congress An Entity Of US Deep State? Is Rahul Gandhi Working For CIA? OpIndia Investigation Reveals Shocking Details

An OpIndia investigative report pointed out how Congress chief Rahul Gandhi’s visits to the USA have deep links to George Soros, IAMC and such anti-India forces.

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has made controversial speeches, particularly during his visits to the United States. In 2023, he toured the USA for 10 days. On 1 June 2023, he spoke at the National Press Club in Washington, making several disputed claims about the CAA and the Delhi riots, which followed inflammatory remarks from his mother, Sonia Gandhi.

During the same trip, Gandhi labelled the Indian Union Muslim League (IUML), a party with a history of genocides, as “secular.” He also attended a meeting at the Hudson Institute on US-India relations, seated next to Sunita Vishwanath, co-founder of “Hindus for Human Rights,” an organization that spreads anti-Hindu propaganda and has links to George Soros. OpIndia conducted a detailed investigation into this development.

However, this wasn’t the extent of his actions. Notably, a report suggested that Rahul Gandhi made an unofficial visit to the White House during his 10-day trip to the USA. According to an article by Seema Sirohi in the Economic Times, this visit was kept confidential by both the Biden administration and Rahul Gandhi’s camp. Such a clandestine meeting, without notifying the Indian government and the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), is a significant breach of protocol and could jeopardize India’s interests.

The secrecy surrounding this visit fueled speculations about a potential “regime change operation” involving Gandhi and the Biden Administration. This is particularly concerning given Gandhi’s history of urging the US to intervene in India’s internal matters during his previous visits to the US.

The speculation about Rahul Gandhi’s potential collaboration with the US for a regime change operation re-emerged following his mysterious visit to Uzbekistan in 2023. In an article by Semu Bhatt on OpIndia, it was noted that Samantha Power, the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), was present in Uzbekistan at the same time.

Semu Bhatt wrote in OpIndia, “In late November 2008, as the Obama administration took shape, Power was in the State Department transition team. She was appointed the Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights on the National Security Council, serving from January 2009 to February 2013. Power spearheaded the creation of a White House task force called the Atrocities Prevention Board – an interagency body to focus on emerging human rights crises before they escalated to the level of genocide. She was its inaugural chairperson. Power’s long-standing association with Obama underscores her involvement in shaping the US foreign policy of the Obama era. She is considered a key figure in persuading President Obama to militarily intervene in Libya, something that Obama considers as the worst decision of his Presidency. Thanks to her unwavering belief in the United States’ responsibility to prevent or alleviate the suffering of civilians in foreign nations, she earned nicknames such as the Ivy League Joan of Arc and Activist-in-Chief”.

In January 2021, Joe Biden nominated Samantha Power to lead USAID. Power has a history of working closely with George Soros and Henry Kissinger. Analyst Semu Bhatt suggested that Power’s rhetoric on India, which aligns with Rahul Gandhi’s, made their concurrent presence in Uzbekistan noteworthy and possibly indicative of a broader regime change effort. Semu Bhatt’s article highlighted connections between USAID, the Democratic Party, and George Soros.

Interestingly, the Uzbekistan visit is not the only link to USAID in this context.

Sam Pitroda

Sam Pitroda has been a close advisor to the Gandhi family for many years, currently serving as the Chairman of the Indian Overseas Congress. He has played a key role in organizing Rahul Gandhi’s speaking engagements, where Gandhi often calls for foreign intervention. Previously, Pitroda was a naturalized American citizen but renounced his US citizenship at Indira Gandhi’s request to return to India.

In October 2009, Pitroda was appointed as an advisor to then-Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations, holding the rank of Cabinet Minister. Despite this role, he frequently travelled between Chicago and India. During the same period, he founded an NGO in the USA called the Global Knowledge Initiative.

As per the OpIndia report, the official website of Global Knowledge Initiative (GKI) states, “In 2009, three people sat down together to ask a question as relevant today as it was then. How might we build new platforms that unite and magnify people’s abilities to solve the challenges that are most meaningful to them and, in the process, upend the old models of the social sector to offer something more collaborative, more open, and more innovative?”

Co-Founders of Global Knowledge Initiative: Nina V. Fedoroff & Sara Farley

Nina V. Fedoroff and Sara Farley are co-founders of the Global Knowledge Initiative (GKI). Both have notable backgrounds and continue to serve on the board of Sam Pitroda’s NGO, GKI, as per the IRS 990 form.

Nina V. Fedoroff

Fedoroff is a molecular biologist and a former Science and Technology Adviser to the U.S. Secretary of State. Born in Ohio, she earned her PhD from Rockefeller University in 1972. John D. Rockefeller established the Rockefeller University in 1901 as The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research.

Fedoroff’s career includes President Bill Clinton’s 2001 appointment to the National Science Board, which supervises the National Science Foundation. She also served as the Science and Technology Adviser to Secretaries of State Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton. In 2007, President George W. Bush honoured her with the National Medal of Science in Biological Sciences. Fedoroff was the President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) from 2011 to 2012.

From 2007 to 2010, Fedoroff advised Rajiv Shah, the then-administrator of USAID. Shah has held various leadership roles, including Director of Agricultural Development, Director of Strategic Opportunities, Deputy Director of Policy and Finance, and Chief Economist at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Rajiv Shah is the current President of the Rockefeller Foundation and served as the sixteenth Administrator of USAID from 2010 to 2015 during the Obama Administration. Notably, he was honoured with the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award in 2011, the highest official recognition for non-resident Indians, presented by the President of India while the Congress party was in power.

In India, Shah’s work has included advocating for genetically modified crops. During Nina’s tenure with Hillary Clinton, she played a significant role in promoting US agricultural business interests in India, particularly in efforts to introduce Bt Brinjal. It was reported at the time that Nina was actively lobbying on behalf of Monsanto, a company often criticized for its aggressive practices.

In India, Nina was actively involved in lobbying for genetically modified crops. While working with Hillary Clinton, she played a key role in promoting US agricultural business interests in India, including efforts to advance the cultivation of Bt Brinjal. It was widely reported that Nina’s lobbying efforts were closely associated with Monsanto, a company often criticized for its aggressive business practices.

In July 2005, the Congress government established the US-India Knowledge Initiative on Agriculture. At the time, it was reported that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh created a platform for US agricultural giants to engage with Indian policymakers when he approved this initiative during his first term in 2006. Announced with considerable fanfare during his visit to the USA, the initiative faced domestic opposition, particularly from Left parties and farmers’ organizations. The Knowledge Initiative on Agriculture (AKI) includes multinational corporations like Monsanto, Walmart, and Archer Daniels Midland as official US representatives, with their agenda focusing heavily on developing transgenic strains of rice and wheat.

In 2009, Hillary Clinton travelled to India to ‘promote’ Bt Brinjal, accompanied by Nina, who, as reported in Rediff, “is a strong votary of genetically modified crops, to the extent of being regarded as a spokesperson for US seed multinationals like Monsanto, Dow, and DuPont.”

Clinton had said, “She favoured a strong intellectual property or patent regime (IPR) to safeguard the ownership of agricultural research, as that would be in ‘everyone’s interest’. A contention rejected by Indian agri-policy analysts who say it would primarily benefit owners of biotechnology research — the MNCs who produce ‘Bt’ seeds, as genetically modified or GM crops have come to be popularly known (patents would ensure that no one else would be allowed to produce or sell these seeds)”.

In 2011, a Wikileaks cable revealed that India had become a battleground between US and European lobbying efforts, with the US advocating for genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and Europe opposing them.

It said, “Science and Technology Advisor Dr. Nina Fedoroff met with Montek Ahluwalia, Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission, immediately before Minister Ramesh’s announcement on February 9. Referring to Minister Ramesh’s town hall meetings, Ahluwalia said that a democracy like India needed to consult the public on such an important issue. Still, he was concerned that the debate had been rather one-sided. He noted that many non-government organizations (NGOs) in India protesting Bt brinjal were closely associated with and funded by European NGOs. He also remarked on the absence of scientific voices in the “public debate.” Ahluwalia indicated that Minister Ramesh, among other GOI officials, had failed to make the “elementary arguments” about why GM products are safe and commented that it was not clear if Indian opposition resulted more from process issues and paperwork delays or ideological feelings. Ahluwalia added that he considered the town hall meetings to be okay as a process. Still, in the end, he felt it would be a major setback if Minister Ramesh allowed a one-sided debate to cause a decision against commercialization of Bt brinjal”.

As per the OpIndia investigation, in 2010, Jairam Ramesh imposed an indefinite halt on the commercial sale of Bt Brinjal, which Nina was advocating for. He established certain conditions that needed to be met to review this ban. By January 2014, Ramesh had voiced his frustration with his government for failing to establish a regulatory body.

The cable notes that Ahluwalia found the town hall meetings acceptable as a procedural approach. Still, he was concerned that allowing what he perceived as a one-sided debate could lead to a decision against the commercialization of Bt Brinjal, which he viewed as a significant setback, the OpIndia report said.

Earlier Wikileaks cables had revealed that the US government was acting on behalf of Monsanto, the world’s leading producer of GM seeds, in targeting the European Union for its stance on genetically modified crops. Nina Fedoroff was part of the US government during this period. One cable disclosed that US officials were advised to initiate a military-style trade war against European countries opposed to GM crop cultivation, with Nina playing a central role in this effort.

Monsanto, supported by the Congress government, faced significant challenges under the Modi administration. The GM crop debate is another discussion. Still, it’s notable that Prime Minister Modi took a strong stand against Monsanto and faced criticism from US media for his position.

Throughout this, Sam Pitroda was closely collaborating with Nina Fedoroff as a co-founder of his NGO.

Sara Farley

Sara Farley, a third co-founder of Sam Pitroda’s NGO, currently serves as Vice President of the Food Initiative at The Rockefeller Foundation.

According to the NGO’s website, Sara Farley leads the global portfolio for The Rockefeller Foundation’s food team, overseeing major initiatives such as the Food Systems Vision Prize and the Rockefeller Foundation-Acumen Food Systems Fellowship. In her role, she drives the Foundation’s first regenerative food systems strategy, manages the diet quality portfolio, and expands efforts in good food purchasing and true cost accounting worldwide. She aims to improve diet quality for 500 million underserved people by 2030.

Her Rockefeller Foundation profile reveals she joined the Foundation after co-founding GKI while working with Sam Pitroda. This indicates that both Sara Farley and Nina Fedoroff have strong connections with the US government, specifically USAID, and with the Rockefeller Foundation.

Funding For Sam Pitroda’s NGO

On the GKI website, the term “supporters” broadly refers to major donors and sponsors who significantly fund and support the NGO and its activities.

Image Source: OpIndia

The website indicates that Sam Pitroda’s NGO receives funding from USAID, The Rockefeller Foundation, the US Department of State, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, among other sources.

All About USAID

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is a key U.S. government agency. According to the USAID website, the President’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Budget Request for the State Department and USAID totals $63.1 billion for foreign assistance and diplomatic engagement. This includes $32 billion allocated for USAID’s fully- and partially-managed accounts, marking a $3 billion increase (10 per cent) from the FY 2023 Adjusted Enacted level. The FY 2024 Budget also seeks both mandatory and discretionary funds to counter China’s influence, enhance the U.S. role in the Indo-Pacific region, and promote American prosperity through new investments aimed at addressing global challenges.

The primary goal of USAID is to advance U.S. interests abroad and supporting regime change has historically been among these interests. Their mission statement is “On behalf of the American people, we promote and demonstrate democratic values abroad, and advance a free, peaceful, and prosperous world. In support of America’s foreign policy, the U.S. Agency for International Development leads the U.S. Government’s international development and disaster assistance through partnerships and investments that save lives, reduce poverty, strengthen democratic governance, and help people emerge from humanitarian crises and progress beyond assistance”.

When a U.S. agency claims it aims to promote “democracy” in foreign countries, its true intentions can be more complex. USAID’s website states, “We aspire to lead international and U.S. Government efforts to advance the economic, political, social, and environmental well-being of the world’s most vulnerable people.”

USAID’s current administrator is Samantha Power. Notably, Samantha Power was in Uzbekistan in 2023, as was Rahul Gandhi.

OpIndia report states, “The Global Knowledge Initiative – the NGO of Sam Pitroda that is funded by USAID – does a lot of work for the US agency. For example, on the GKI website, there is a White Paper uploaded from the year 2010 that talks about how science and technology can be used by USAID to ‘bring development’ and ‘prosperity’ to the developing world.”

As of June 2024, the Global Knowledge Initiative is reported to continue participating in projects funded by USAID.

Image Source: OpIndia

The report also states that the Global Knowledge Initiative (GKI) is redesigning the YouthPower Learning Network to improve its effectiveness. The GKI article about this partnership links to the YouthPower 2 webpage, which specifies that USAID funds it.

One of the programs under YouthPower 2, APS, is explicitly designed for use by USAID missions and independent officers. This program aims to facilitate youth programming by engaging with youth organizations and offers USAID flexibility to collaborate with young people from various countries.

According to USAID, faith-based organizations are also key stakeholders with which they can partner.

The Global Knowledge Initiative (GKI), Sam Pitroda’s NGO, collaborated with USAID on several issues, including initiatives in Bangladesh.

In addition to USAID, the U.S. State Department is a major sponsor of GKI. The State Department’s mission is “to protect and promote U.S. security, prosperity, and democratic values and shape an international environment in which all Americans can thrive.

The State Department is led by the Secretary of State, appointed by the President with Senate approval and serves as the President’s chief foreign affairs adviser. The Secretary of State implements the President’s foreign policies through the State Department, which includes the Foreign Service, Civil Service, and USAID.

Both USAID and the State Department are funded directly by the U.S. government and are tasked with advancing U.S. foreign policy objectives.

William Blum has noted that during the 1960s and early 1970s, USAID maintained a close relationship with the CIA, with Agency officers often operating under USAID’s cover. An example of this is the 1960s-era Office of Public Safety, a now-defunct division of USAID that served as a front for training foreign police in counterinsurgency methods, including torture techniques.

In 2023, an American lawmaker alleged that a U.S.-based NGO in Pakistan, which received financial aid from USAID, had links to designated terrorist organizations. Congressman Michael McCaul, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, requested a suspension of USAID funding to the NGO pending a thorough review of these allegations in a letter dated 24 January 2023, addressed to USAID Administrator Samantha Power.

The NGO in question, Helping Hand for Relief and Development (HHRD), based in Michigan, was reportedly affiliated with Jamaat-e-Islami, an Islamist terrorist group active in South Asia. USAID awarded HHRD a grant of $110,000 in October 2021 to support the shipping costs for its humanitarian relief efforts.

The letter read, “This award was made despite longstanding, detailed allegations that HHRD is connected to designated terrorist organizations, terror financiers, and extremist groups.”

The Falah-e-Insaniat Foundation (FIF), the charitable arm of Lashkar-e-Taiba—a terrorist organization responsible for the 2008 Mumbai attacks—sponsors events for Helping Hand for Relief and Development (HHRD) in Pakistan. Notably, FIF was designated as a terrorist organization by the United States in 2016.

Concerns about HHRD’s connections with Al-Khidmat, the official charitable organization of Jamaat-e-Islami, were also highlighted in Congressman Michael McCaul’s letter.

Meanwhile, the U.S. State Department has been involved in India’s internal affairs since Prime Minister Modi took office in 2014. This has been evident in recent interactions, such as the scripted Q&A sessions between Pakistani journalists and U.S. State Department spokespersons, which have provided opportunities for the U.S. to comment on India’s domestic issues.

The U.S. State Department’s Human Rights Report for 2024 expressed support for individuals like Khalistani leader Nijjar and Islamist Umar Khalid. Khalid, who was involved in orchestrating the 2020 anti-Hindu riots in Delhi that resulted in numerous Hindu casualties, is currently imprisoned under UAPA, with Indian courts denying him bail due to evidence of his involvement in the conspiracy.

In 2023, the State Department also released a report that criticized India and Hindus, using data from Christian evangelists and Islamist organizations. Another report alleged an increase in hate speech in India under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership. These findings were published shortly after Modi’s third term began and following a visit by White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan to New Delhi, where both nations agreed to enhance cooperation in high technology.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken highlighted concerns about rising anti-conversion laws, hate speech, and the demolition of homes and places of worship affecting minority faith communities in India.

Additionally, the US State Department has criticized India’s Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and laws against forced religious conversions, which have significant impacts on Hindu women. Continuing its involvement in India’s internal affairs, the State Department has also launched an initiative to recruit ‘fact-checkers’.

The OpIndia report further states that “The Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the US State Department has set aside a whopping $2,00,000 (~₹1.67 crores) to recruit fact-checkers in India as part of its ‘Empowering Media Savvy Youth.’”

Through this project, the Executive Department of the US federal government aims to address ‘online manipulation’, counter ‘external influences’, secure the digital landscape, and bolster regional security, the OpIndia report said.

Beginning 1 September this year, the US State Department will implement the project in five cities across India: Kolkata, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai, and Delhi.

In India, where social media usage is widespread among the youth population, recent research by Indian, European, and American think tanks has highlighted how manipulative content is amplifying societal polarization and erodes institutional trust. This consequently strains U.S.-India bilateral relations, threatening collaborative efforts and diplomatic ties,” the US State Department clearly outlined its agenda.

OpIndia discovered that through its ‘Empowering Media Savvy Youth’ project, the US State Department aims to train 160 L2D graduates as Youth Master Trainers (YMTs). These trainers will conduct 320 sessions, reaching an estimated 32,000 individuals.

Additionally, approximately 60 of these 32,000 individuals will receive further training to become ‘social media influencers,’ to impact an additional 36,000 people, the OpIndia report added.

Another clear objective of the project is to influence and shape the perspectives of young and impressionable individuals. “By targeting these segments, the project endeavours to actively combat misinformation and shape narratives effectively to address the root causes of disinformation,” the US State Department emphasized. 

A grant of $150,000 to $200,000 will be awarded to one eligible organization in India for 12 to 18 months. OpIndia also created a report on this US State Department propaganda initiative.

OpIndia states that “US Embassies and Consulates in the country are already running projects and training programs such as ‘Learning to Discern (L2D)’ in the name of combating ‘misinformation.’”

The Leaning To Discern (L2D) initiative is funded by the same entities that support Pitroda’s Global Knowledge Initiative NGO, including USAID and the US State Department. Additionally, George Soros and the Ford Foundation also fund it.

The Rockefeller Foundation & Its Link To Sam Pitroda

The Rockefeller Foundation has a significant presence across various sectors, and it funds Sam Pitroda’s NGO. Given the close ties of both co-founders with the Rockefeller Foundation, it is reasonable to infer that Sam Pitroda also has connections with the Foundation.

To understand this context, it’s important to look at the origins of the Rockefeller Foundation. In the early 20th century, the United States legalized endowed foundations to address capitalism’s challenges, particularly in the face of rising communism. Among the first such foundations was the Carnegie Corporation, established in 1911 by profits from the Carnegie Steel Company. The Rockefeller Foundation was founded in 1914 by John D. Rockefeller, the founder of Standard Oil Company.

The Rockefeller Foundation was an early supporter that provided seed funding to the United Nations, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). These foundations wielded immense resources and operated tax-free, aiming to convert economic power into political, cultural, and social influence. Their funds were not used to raise workers’ wages but to leverage money into a global power—similar to how Bill Gates influences global health, education, and agricultural policies from his role in the software industry.

By the 1920s, the US began expanding its influence over international markets and raw materials. In 1924, the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations established the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a powerful foreign policy pressure group that was later supported by the Ford Foundation. The CFR included two dozen US secretaries of state among its members and played a key role in planning the UN in 1943. John D. Rockefeller even purchased the land for the UN’s New York headquarters with an $8.5 million grant.

By the 1950s, the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations extensively funded NGOs and educational institutions globally. They acted as covert arms of the US government, assisting in the overthrow of democratically elected governments in Latin America, Iran, and Indonesia. Indonesian students, trained in counterinsurgency by the US army, were instrumental in the CIA-backed coup in 1965 that installed General Suharto. Similarly, in 1973, Chilean students trained at the University of Chicago (endowed by John D. Rockefeller) contributed to the CIA-backed coup that ousted Salvador Allende and ushered in General Pinochet’s brutal regime. For more details, read here.

Given the role of the Rockefeller Foundation and USAID in advancing US political interests abroad, it is noteworthy that both organizations fund Sam Pitroda’s NGO. Pitroda’s close ties with Rahul Gandhi, who has reportedly sought US intervention in India, raise concerns about the broader implications of these relationships.

The Rockefeller Foundation and Ford Foundation have long been involved in influencing Indian politics, particularly since the 1950s.

Sunday Standard Investigation (2015): Findings reported by the New Indian Express highlighted the following:

   – The Ford and Rockefeller foundations penetrated the Indian establishment without government oversight.

   – They provided junkets and scholarships to senior officials in Nehru’s administration without formal approval from the Indian government.

   – Officials were selected directly by these foundations without government knowledge.

   – B.K. Nehru, Indira Gandhi’s cousin, advised against requiring formal clearance for funds from the Rockefeller Foundation, based on a meeting with its President Dean Rusk.

   – Rusk indicated that only consultations, not formal approvals, were needed with the Department of Economic Affairs before funding bureaucrats.

   – Nehru initially denied approving the funds but had to retract his denial after evidence surfaced showing that he had indeed approved the arrangements.

The Rockefeller Foundation, which funds Sam Pitroda’s NGO, has continued to subvert India’s interests to the present day.

On 5 July 2021, MIT Technology Review published  “What Went So Wrong with COVID in India? Everything,” an article by Sonia Falerio. The piece criticized the Indian response to the COVID-19 pandemic, attributing the “catastrophic COVID surge” to a series of “basic mistakes and callous technocratic failures.” This article was part of The Pandemic Technology Project and was sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation, which has historical ties to the CIA in its cultural and political efforts abroad.

In August 2023, OpIndia predicted that George Soros, the Ford Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation might plan a new campaign against Indian firms through OCCRP. This campaign was linked to China’s funding of NewsClick.

During this period, Rahul Gandhi held a press conference attacking Gautam Adani based on a report from OCCRP, which OpIndia had predicted. Notably, OCCRP had announced on X that Gandhi would discuss their report before his press conference began.

Gandhi’s critique of Adani aligned with the interests of the Rockefeller Foundation, George Soros, and the Ford Foundation. George Soros had publicly commented on the Adani issue, suggesting that Prime Minister Modi would face political consequences. In January 2020, Soros pledged $1 billion to establish a global university to counter nationalist leaders, including Modi.

The Rockefeller Foundation’s involvement in India has a long history. The India International Centre (IIC) in Delhi, founded in 1958 during the Nehruvian era, was established with substantial support from the Rockefeller Foundation. The IIC has been closely associated with the Indian Government since its inception. Additionally, the Rockefeller Foundation has partnered with the Rothschild Foundation on various projects which have controversial histories.

The India International Centre’s leadership, including its past and present Presidents, Vice Presidents, Life Trustees, and Trustees, primarily comprises members of the influential Lutyens’ and Khan Market circles.

Globally, the Rockefeller Foundation has been linked to fueling unrest. Recent reports indicate that during pro-Palestinian protests at prominent US universities, organizations such as the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and George Soros have been involved in funding demonstrators. It has been suggested that the Rockefeller Foundation has also funded pro-Hamas protests and associated violence.

What Is The Link Between Sam Pitroda, Rahul Gandhi, USA In Regime Change?

It is not speculative that Sam Pitroda collaborates closely with two individuals linked directly to the Rockefeller Foundation. One of these individuals is the current Vice President of the Rockefeller Foundation. At the same time, the other was a US government official who worked with Hillary Clinton and lobbied for US corporate interests in India during the Congress government.

Additionally, the NGO co-founded by Sam Pitroda and these two Rockefeller Foundation-affiliated individuals is funded by the US State Department, USAID, and the Rockefeller Foundation.

All of these agencies—USAID, the US State Department, and the Rockefeller Foundation—are known for advancing US foreign policy goals, including regime change and interference in the internal affairs of other nations to benefit US interests.

Given that Sam Pitroda is directly involved with these agencies, it is reasonable to question whether his activities are aligned with furthering the interests of the US Deep State in India.

This concern is amplified by Rahul Gandhi, whose international engagements are organized by Pitroda, who frequently addresses issues that align with those highlighted by the US State Department. Gandhi has persistently called for US intervention in India’s internal matters.

For instance, in 2021, during an online discussion with Ambassador Nicholas Burns of the Harvard Kennedy School, Rahul Gandhi explicitly sought US interference. Invited by the Institute of Politics at Harvard’s Kennedy School to discuss India’s political challenges and opportunities, Gandhi remarked, “I don’t hear anything from the US establishment about what is happening in India. If you are saying, partnership in democracy is what’s your view on what is happening here?” He also stated, “I fundamentally believe that America is a profound idea. The idea of freedom, as encapsulated in your constitution, is a very powerful idea. But you’ve got to defend that idea. And that’s the real question.” Nicholas Burns did not address Gandhi’s concerns directly but mentioned that the topic would be discussed in the next session with another guest from India.

In March 2021, during an interview with Brown University professor Ashutosh Varshney, Rahul Gandhi indirectly urged Western countries to question the legitimacy of the BJP’s electoral victories.

He compared Prime Minister Modi’s success to that of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, suggesting that, like Modi, both leaders won elections but did not truly reflect democratic values. Gandhi’s comparison implied that elections alone do not signify a functioning democracy. It is worth noting that Gaddafi came to power in Libya through a military coup in 1969, not through democratic elections.

In 2022, Rahul Gandhi reiterated his call for foreign intervention in the UK.

In 2023, Gandhi, accompanied by Sam Pitroda and Sunita Vishwanathan, visited Hudson University in the USA and made a secret visit to the White House, which OpIndia later connected to links with jihadi organizations and George Soros.

While some may have dismissed Mani Shankar Aiyer’s statement “Unhe hataiye, humein le aaiye” (Remove them, bring us) in Pakistan as mere rhetoric, Rahul Gandhi’s repeated appeals to Western powers for intervention suggest a consistent message over the years.

Given that Sam Pitroda, who organizes Rahul Gandhi’s international trips, has close ties with entities connected to the US Deep State, it raises the question: Is the Congress Party now effectively serving as an asset of the US Deep State, influenced by organizations that may act as fronts for CIA-led regime change efforts?

(Original report – OpIndia)

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