Radia Tapes Resurfaces On Social Media, Reveals DMK MP A Raja’s Intricate Political Maneuvering For Cabinet Positions Amidst DMK’s Internal Politics

Once again, the internet has resurfaced telephonic conversations between Niira Radia, a political lobbyist in India, the former Indian telecom minister and DMK MP A Raja, which were recorded by the Indian Income Tax Department in 2008–09.

These tapes were considered allegedly paving the way for the 2G scam and prompting stronger checks on the media. Niira Radia, who operated a public relations firm called ‘Vaishnavi Communications,’ became the subject of CBI investigations. With authorization from the Home Ministry, the Indian Income Tax Department tapped Radia’s phone lines for 300 days in 2008–2009 as part of investigations into possible money laundering, restricted financial practices, and tax evasion.

In 2010, the Central Bureau of Investigation announced they had 5,851 recordings of Radia’s phone conversations, some of which detailed her attempts to broker deals related to the 2G spectrum sale. The tapes appear to show how Radia tried to use certain media personnel to influence the decision to appoint DMK’s A Raja as telecom minister.

The recorded conversations between Niira Radia and prominent figures, referred to as the “Radia Tapes,” include discussions with DMK MP A Raja.

Political Maneuvering Related to Cabinet Appointments

In this conversation (Presumably), Niira Radia and A Raja discuss political maneuvering related to cabinet appointments and the influence of key figures. Radia informs Raja that journalist Barkha Dutt has been in contact with the Prime Minister’s Office and relayed that while there is no issue with Raja, there is a problem with another politician, Baalu. Raja emphasizes the need to discuss these matters with their Leader and suggests that the concerns about Baalu should be communicated discreetly to the Congress party, possibly through Ahmed Patel. They also discuss the issue of Alagiri’s dissatisfaction with Maran receiving a cabinet position despite Alagiri being a senior leader, and Raja proposes that Maran could be accommodated in his current ministry to avoid further controversy. Radia agrees to convey these messages and suggestions to the relevant parties.

Radia: Hello?

A Raja: Raja here.

Radia: Hi! I got a message from Barkha Dutt just now.

Raja: Huh?

Radia: Barkha Dutt

Raja: What does she say?

Radia: She says… that she has been following up the story with Prime Minister’s Office tonight. In fact, she was the one who told me that Sonia Gandhi went there. She says that he has no problem with you, but he has a problem with Baalu.

Raja: But it has to be discussed with Leader.

Radia: Yeah, yeah… he has to discuss with the Leader. He has to tell

Raja: It will be discussed in the morning, why unnecessarily, Congress… tie-up is going out.

Radia: No, but then the question is about Alagiri, no?

Raja: Huh?

Radia: Alagiri’s people are saying, why is Maran getting Cabinet when he is such a senior leader himself?

Raja: That is different, but all these things must be explored and disclosed.

Radia: That’s right. That’s right. I told her to get Congress.

Raja: At least, one to one, let it be disclosed to Leader.

Radia: One to one?

Raja: One to one. Somebody should give a message, at least in a sealed cover, that they are having serious problems with Baalu.

Radia: From Congress, right?

Raja: Yea.

Radia: Okay, I’ll tell her. She is talking to Ahmed Patel, so I will talk to him.

Raja: Let him call at least over phone. Sir, this is problem… we are having high regard, we are having no problem with Raja, but problem is Baalu. Tell.

Radia: Then how will you resolve the other problem?

Raja: Other problems we will take care of slowly, because now Leader comes down.

Radia: Uh-huh.

Raja: Don’t worry.

Radia: Now Leader comes down to three, no?

Raja: Comes down for three

Radia: Yeah.

Raja: Even you are saying that Maran is not fit for Infrastructure. He is having controversy, alright, let him be accommodated in the existing ministry… at least we will suggest.

Radia: Maran?

Raja: Hmm… you suggest, you send a message.

Radia: Okay.

(Next, Tape Continues…)

In this conversation (Presumably), Niira Radia and A Raja discuss the internal dynamics and power struggles within the Dravidian party (DMK), particularly regarding the appointment of ministers. Radia informs Raja that she has been speaking to Kanimozhi (referring as Kani) and that the party leader believes Raja should be present due to his importance in the Dalit dispensation. They talk about the challenges of justifying multiple family members in ministerial positions, with Raja expressing that there might be difficulty justifying three family members’ appointments. They discuss the roles of other party members such as Dayanidhi Maran (referred to as Daya) and Alagiri, with Raja noting that Alagiri is aware of Maran’s negative campaign against him. Radia reassures Raja that efforts are being made to manage media narratives and mentions her communication with Sunil Mittal, instructing him to cooperate with Raja. Throughout the conversation, they navigate the political maneuvers and strategize their positions within the party and government appointments.

Radia: Hi!

Raja: Hello?

Radia: Hi!

Raja: Tell me.

Radia: Mr Raja?

Raja: Yes?

Radia: Niira

Raja: Tell me, Niira, anything?

Radia: I sent you an SMS. I’ve been speaking to Kani, so I just thought that, basically what they are saying is that you should be there.

Raja: Huh?

Radia: Leader generally is saying that you should be there, because of the, you know, the Dalit dispensation, all that, you know. The Dravidian, the party, and all that… saying that Leader, if it was left to him, he would have focused on the party first. This is unfortunate that his family is coming in the way and Cho Ramaswamy has given a favorable remark that it should be limited to this thing.

Raja: Okay.

Radia: But I’ve been talking to Kani, she spoke to me, she said, ‘No independent.’ They are not giving independent… just now.

Raja: My case is clear, huh?

Radia: Yours is clear, yeah. Your case was cleared last night only.

Raja: Okay.

RadiaNo, but what is happening with Daya?

Raja: Huh?

Radia: Daya?

Raja: Rest of the thing is… Textiles or Fertilisers.

Radia: Not for Daya.

Raja: Either of them.

Radia: But Alagiri or Daya? Only one can come, no?

Raja: No, two. Two can come.

Radia: Both?

Raja: Baalu will be the problem. I hope.

Radia: I think that will be difficult for the Leader to justify three family members.

Raja: That is it, that is… (chuckles) everybody knows.

Radia: No, no, she said that. Kani told me this last night, that’s what the father told her yesterday.

Raja: Oh!

Radia: That for him to justify three family members will become very difficult. He recognises that problem.

Raja: What can we do? We’ll see, let us wait.

Radia: Yeah. I think he will have to relook at that. You’re all meeting him individually now? Or the meeting is still going on?

Raja: Not at all, not at all.

Radia: Narayanan’s (National Security Advisor at the time) meeting is going on?

Raja: Narayanan’s meeting is over. He has gone to Delhi, with cover.

Radia: He’s gone to?

Raja: He has gone to catch the flight… with cover.

Radia: Narayanan, yeah?

Raja: List, list…with the list, he has gone out.

Radia: He has gone out with the list, no?

Raja: I didn’t know what is inside the cover.

Radia: And Kani? Is with father?

Raja: Maybe yes… maybe she knows.

Radia: I will call her now. And you are not there?

Raja: I am not yet there.

Radia: You’re not there? And Maran? Maran is there, no?

Raja: There, yes.

Radia: Why you didn’t go?

Raja: I didn’t go.

Radia: Huh?

Raja: Alright… why should we go?

Radia: You should be there, no?

Raja: No problem… morning I met, and thereafter I came back for another work.

Radia: And Alagiri… he knows what Maran has been saying about him?

Raja: It is known to Alagiri.

Radia: It is, no?

Raja: It is known to Alagiri, but he cannot talk with father… timely he will speak, only thing is, Maran will start the campaign against me.

Radia: Hmm

Raja: That has to be taken care of.

Radia: You have to fight differently huh?.

Raja: Hmm… he may tell the press Prime Minister is coming again, this and that, spectrum…

Radia: No, no, we are handling, don’t worry. We have to take so much off, you know, even Congress had to make that statement, no? I spoke to Sunil Mittal, did Chandoliya tell you?

Raja: I didn’t know

Radia: I told him to stop. I told him, it doesn’t help.

Raja: Hmm. Tell Sunil Mittal, you have to work along with Raja for another five years. So, don’t…

Radia: I told him that. I told him that. But then you also have to distance yourself from Anil, no.


(Next, Tape Continues…)

In this conversation (presumably), Niira Radia and A Raja discuss the confusion within the Congress party regarding whom to approach within the DMK for negotiations. Radia explains that the Congress is unsure whom to speak to, and she suggests that Kani (Kanimozhi) should be the point of contact to facilitate a meeting with the DMK leader. Raja agrees with this strategy and emphasizes that Kani should make it clear she doesn’t seek any personal gain. Radia expresses the need for Kani to communicate directly with the Leader, especially to clarify that certain DMK members, Baalu and Maran, will not be given infrastructure portfolios. Raja supports the idea and advises Kani to convey the Congress’s concerns to the Leader, ensuring that the right message is delivered. They both recognize the confusion caused by Maran’s presence at a UPA meeting, which mistakenly signaled he was the main negotiator.

Radia: Hi!

Rajan: Ma’am, Rajan ma’am. Ma’am i’ll give it to the Mantri ma’am.

Radia: Huh. (The call holds with music)

Rajan: Ma’am, ma’am one second (The call holds with music)

Raja: Tell me, Niira.

Radia: The thing is that the Congress has been totally confused as to who they need to speak to.

Raja: Huh?

Radia: Who they need to speak to in the DMK.

Raja: Ah… somebody should fly to Leader.

Radia: No, no… That is why, I am now… they’re going to speak to Kani in a little while, and then Kani is going to take them to Leader directly, and let Kani…

Raja: That is good, that is good.

Radia: Yeah? I have done… just told them that, because they’re completely confused who to talk to. Yeah?

Raja: Let them talk with Kani.

Radia: Yeah, but Kani should also be sensible enough to say that she does not want anything for herself. No? I have told her that…

Raja: Hmm.

Radia: But you also make sure.

Raja: No problem.

Radia: I told them. I told them that whatever…

Raja: See, tell Kani, let her call Leader—‘This is the problem, shall I bring the people?’

Radia: Yeah, because what they’re saying is that they will not give Infrastructure to Baalu and Maran. They should say that to Leader directly, no?

Raja: No problem. Look, see… let them go along with Kani, and let them tell that we are having problem with these fellows.

Radia: That’s right. That’s what they have to do… they were confused. What happened is—for the UPA meeting, Maran went along. So they think Maran is the interlocutor, he is the person who’s going to talk, so there is this…

Raja: Not at all. He came for assistance, that’s all

Radia: No, I know, but you see this is a wrong message that has gone out, and they don’t know.


(Next, Tape Continues…)

In the conversation (presumably), Niira Radia and A Raja are discussing political dynamics within their party and the perceptions held by Congress leaders. Radia initiates the conversation stating that Kanimozhi is okay with a certain situation, also Radia informs Raja about the narrative Maran has been spreading in Delhi. According to Maran, Alagiri doesn’t know English, is a criminal, and has not studied beyond the 5th standard. Maran also suggests that he and Stalin will be the only ones left to run the party as the current leader is aging and won’t be around much longer. This implies that the Congress would be better off doing business with him as he controls Stalin. Raja acknowledges this information and mentions that he has already shared it with Alagiri, who subsequently discussed it with the party leader. Radia emphasizes that Maran has also stated that he is the only point of contact in Delhi as Stalin will remain in the state. Radia continues by highlighting Maran’s propaganda efforts and warns Raja about the type of manipulation Maran might attempt and Raja acknowledges this and seems aware of the type of propaganda Maran could manage. Overall, the conversation revolves around internal power struggles and manipulative tactics within the DMK party, specifically regarding the roles of Alagiri and Stalin, and Maran’s attempts to influence the party’s dynamics.

Radia: Raja, how are you?

Raja: Haan. What she is telling, Kani is telling?

Radia: She’s telling that she’s okay about it. She has no problem…

Raja: Hmm.

Radia: But the only thing is that somebody has to go talk to Alagiri, which you have to do.

Raja: Hmm.

Radia: And tell him how Maran has gone and told…

Raja: Haan, I already spoke with him, I already spoke with him.

Radia: You told him what he has told the Congress leaders in Delhi?

Raja: I know. So who planted in the minds of the Congress saying that Alagiri doesn’t know English. I know.

Radia: No, no, no, no…. not only that. Not only that. That he and Stalin tomorrow will be the only ones left to run the party because the old man is senile and he is not going to be around any longer, and therefore Congress will be happy doing business with him because it will be him… him eventually, and he controls Stalin.

Raja: Hmm.

Radia: This is what he has said.

Raja: Oh, ho, ho, ho!

Radia: And that Alagiri is criminal

Raja: Hmm.

Radia: And he has not even studied more than 5th standard.

Raja: Oh!

Radia: That’s the exact thing that he has told.

Raja: Okay, okay.

Radia: You go and tell him this, no?

Raja: No, I shared with Alagiri… Alagiri in turn went to speak with Leader.

Radia: No, but he has also said this—that in Delhi, I am the only one that you have to deal with eventually because, any case, Stalin will remain in the state.

Raja: I know, see, I know what type of propaganda he will manage.

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