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Rabid Islamist JMU student Aysha Renna of anti-CAA fame ignites Hindu-Muslim row on Twitter, netizens indulge in spewing hate

The hashtag #boycottGoAir started trending on Twitter today as a person named Asif Khan, who claims to be a cabin crew with GoAir had on his twitter handle, abused Hindus and Hindu Gods which led to Twitteratis calling for the boycott of the airline.

Mr. Khan who in his Twitter bio calls himself a “student of political science”, “supporter of capitalist ideology” and “secular by nature” made vile references to Goddess Sita and Ravana and even passed disparaging comments on Lord Shiva.

It all started with Aysha Renna, the Muslim student who shot to fame overnight during the anti-CAA protest, who posted a picture of PM Modi and called him a “leader of an ideology based on mere hatred and divinity of birth”. The ‘divinity of birth’ being an indirect reference to Hinduism.

Another twitter user name AN Bajpai had commented “Why pakees are burning and blasting when Modi in power ? Bibi, you go to jannat and join team of 72” to which Asif Khan had replied “And surely you will go to Lanka to know who is your real parents…. virgin or not”.

AN Bajpai replied to Asif’s tweet saying  “Ohh! you are also burning. Join some group and b!ast. My parents struggled and had not give up so I am pride hindu and your’s opened lace of salwar before invaders, so you are Asif now.

Asif had replied to the above tweet saying “In my opinion we all are the citizens of India and India’s beauty is India’s culture so we should live with peace and harmony”.

However, Asif had gone an abusive rant later derogating Goddess Sita.

Another Twitter user named Musketeer intervened to call Asif a terrorist and had commented on his Islamic background.

Asif then went on to abuse Hindus, Hindu Gods and Hindu scriptures.

Asif has now deleted his account while those of AN Bajpai and Musketeer are still active.

Following this, the hashtag #boycottGoAir with many Twitteratis calling for the termination of Asif Khan.

Read the full thread here.

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