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Puthiya Tamizhagam Dr Krishnasamy: DMK Is Doing Politics In Banning Online Rummy Like NEET Exam

Dr. Krishnasamy, President of the Puthiya Tamizhagam Party, has stated that the DMK is doing politics in banning online Rummy gambling similar to the NEET exam.

While addressing a press conference in Chennai on February 10th, Dr. Krishnasamy said, “What has the governor to do with this bill? Why can’t the CM and his son visit Raj Bhavan, which is close by, when they can travel to Delhi? Why are you looking at Governor as an alien? Why don’t the chief minister, his son, or a DMK minister go straight to the governor and tell him that online rummy is making people suffer? What’s holding them back? There is no point in blaming the governor for Rummy issue.”

He said, “Even after two years in power, the DMK has not kept its election promise to measure electricity once a month. Various protests were held on behalf of the New Tamil Nadu Party and other parties in this regard. DMK is mistaken in believing that people will eventually forget their promises.”

He further added, “The Erode by-election victory, which was marred by many irregularities, should be annulled and a re-election should be held. The DMK government has no intention of banning online gambling.”

He went on to say, “Every time a law is proposed for legislation, it should be done with the intention of passing it; however, the DMK government is only doing this for the sake of passing a law. Like NEET, this is a diversion played by them (DMK). DMK is doing politics in banning online Rummy gambling like it was doing politics in the NEET exam.”

He said, “The governor has made a compelling argument that only the central government has the legal authority to legislate on online gambling. Instead of blaming the governor, the DMK government should investigate legally and take action.”

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