Puthiya Tamilagam party enters 24th year, Dr Krishnasamy asks party cadres to buckle up for a New Tamil Nadu

Puthiya Tamilagam, the only party in the entire country that is swimming against the tide by placing the demand for getting its community members (Devendrakula Vellalars), delisted from the Scheduled Caste, enters the 24th year of its existence today (December 15).

The leader of the party Dr. K. Krishnasamy in a letter to the cadres said “I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all levels of Puthiya Tamilagam party executives, Devendrakula relatives, mothers, youth, students, friends, and family who have traveled with us through the most difficult periods of our journey towards the goal of the party in the last 23 years.”

“Starting a political party is an easy thing to do. But the biggest challenge is to keep that party going and strong.” Dr. Krishnasamy said.

“We have experienced oppression and suppression that no other political party leadership in Tamil Nadu has faced in the last 27 years. Despite being subjected to numerous treacherous activities, we are going steady in the path for the socio-political-economic emancipation of all people and we are guiding the people and the party towards the goal.”, Dr. Krishnasamy fruther addded.

He said that a party’s strength depended on three things: its ambitions, organization structure and an able leadership.

Dr. Krishnasamy said that the Puthiya Tamilagam party is built on strong principles of achieving true equality and social justice, restoration of land rights, human rights, right to life, right to identity, and empowering the common and indigenous people by bringing them to the annals of power.

He acknowledged that the party though may not have the expected structure at the second and third level, it has a strong structure at the grassroots. He also said that although the Puthiya Tamilagam has made immeasurable achievements in the social arena, it has not reached the peak is needed to be reached in the political arena.

“It is easy to attain political victory if there exists a driving thirst for power. But the reality is that to this day we have not shown much initiative.”, Dr. Krishnasamy said.

He said that this year in which the party enters its 24th year and the coming 2021 year is of utmost significance, adding that the time has come to bring about a change to the five decade rule by the Dravidian parties.

“The party is about to complete 25 years. We have fulfilled our duty in the social arena without any shortcomings. The time has come to fulfill our obligations to the political arena.” Dr. Krishnasamy said urging the cadres to take a pledge to work towards hoisting the red-green flag (the party’s flag) at the secretariat.