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Professor from Sweden known for making Hinduphobic statements tries to instigate protests in India

As violence grips US over the killing of a black man name George Floyd by the police with lootings, arson and vandalism being reported from across the country, Ashok Swain, a professor with the University of Uppsala in Sweden put out a tweet on Sunday (May 31) calling for a similar ‘mobilization’ of Muslims in India.

Citing the protest in the wake of the death of George Floyd, Swain in his tweet said that that there need to be a similar kind of ‘mobilization’ to oppose ‘extra-judicial killings’ of Muslims in the country.

He questioned the encounter of SIMI terrorists who had attempted a jail break by slitting the throat of the jail guard by giving a link to one of his earlier articles published in 2016.

In another tweet, Swain said that protest are key to democracy and emphasized that “occasional inconvenience” and “limited violence” are a small price to pay to live in free and democratic country.

This has come across as an open attempt to instigate violence. Many on twitter called out the inciting nature of the tweet saying that the man is attempting to instigate violence sitting on a foreign land.

Swain has made numerous remarks undermining India’s national interests. He had called the Pulwama terror attack on CRPF jawans an inside job that sought to secure Prime Minister Modi’s relection. This claim was used by Pakistani media too. He had even mocked later External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj’s death.

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