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Popular Tamil news channel deletes Twitter poll after results go against DMK

A twitter poll conducted by a Tamil News channel, asking the opinion of people about the DMK’s move to protests against the opening of TASMAC, was deleted by the news outlet’s handle after its results turned out against the DMK.

The poll titled “DMK and allies’ move to protest against the opening of TASMAC” had four options: 1) to do politics, 2) concern over people, 3) fear of corona spread, 4) to warn the government, saw the first option (to do politics) getting the maximum percentage of votes (49%). The option ‘concern over people’ got 19% of the votes while the last option ‘to warn the government’ got the least (9%).

The total number of votes the poll attracted was 4619.

The tweet with the URL has now been deleted.—13195

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