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Photo exhibition organized in Geneva on atrocities committed by Pakistan in Balochistan

The Broken Chair which has now become an iconic site in front of the United Nations office in Geneva is playing host to a photo exhibition that depicts the atrocities and the human rights abuses committed by Pakistan at the behest of China in the Balochistan province to support the multi-billion dollar China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project.
The pictures are a grim reminder of how the Chinese are grabbing the lands belonging to the indigenous Baloch people and how the Pakistan security forces are acting like mercenaries to support the Chinese Communists state designs.
Since its annexation in 1948 by Pakistan, the Baloch people never had any control over their natural resources, nor have they economically benefited from the systematic stripping away of the same. However, the Islamic State of Pakistan has used its military might to forcibly evacuate their native lands for the CPEC projects.
The photo exhibition was organised by the Voice of Minority rights to make aware of the innumerable human rights abuses committed by the Pakistan security apparatus and non-state actors in Balochistan.
The photo exhibition highlighted the genocide of the indigenous Baloch people being carried out by Pakistan in the form of enforced disappearances, arbitrary arrests, and summary execution by the Pakistani army.
It also highlights how Pakistan had illegally occupied Balochistan against all International laws and treaties and to this region lags in almost every parameter of development.
Balochistan’s Human Development Index (HDI) ranks below 0.40 as compared to the other provinces of Pakistan that lie above 0.50. Within Pakistan, Balochistan has the largest number of least-developed districts.
The exhibit wants the world to know that Pakistan has absolutely no interest in the people of Balochistan and all it cares how to go unabatedly exploiting the mineral-rich region.

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