In a shocking incident, the parents of a newborn in Tiruppur have accused government doctors of negligence after the baby’s hand was allegedly amputated. The parents, Deepa and her family from Avinashi, have filed a petition with the Collectorate demanding appropriate action against the doctors involved.
On 13 November, Deepa gave birth to a baby boy at the Tiruppur Government Medical College Hospital. Shortly after birth, a blood clot appeared on the baby’s hand, prompting doctors to recommend transferring the baby to a hospital in Coimbatore for further treatment. However, after reaching the Coimbatore Government Medical College Hospital, doctors determined that the baby’s hand needed to be amputated due to the delay in treatment.
As a result, the family has filed a petition demanding accountability for the alleged medical negligence, calling for action to be taken against the responsible doctors.
Speaking about their ordeal, one of the relatives shared their distress with the press, saying, “When the baby was born, they didn’t hand him over to us. They kept him for a day, and the next day, they sent us to the Coimbatore Government Hospital. At Coimbatore GH, they also kept him for a day, but didn’t say anything since the doctors were on strike. Immediately they said that the baby’s hand had to be amputated. When they suggested amputation, we decided to take the baby to Kovai Medical Hospital. But when we arrived there, they told us, ‘We can’t do anything; the hand has decayed. If you had brought him within six hours, we could have saved the babies hand.’ They should have informed us earlier, right? At least, they should have shown us the baby immediately after birth. If they couldn’t handle, we could have taken him elsewhere. Now, the baby’s hand is gone. What will happen to his future? The parents are also struggling badly. How can they cope with his future now?”
அகற்றப்பட்ட குழந்தையின் கை.. மருத்துவர் அலட்சியம் என புகார்.. ஆட்சியர் அலுவலகத்தில் உறவினர்கள் மனு.!#Tiruppur #BabyIssue #GH #GovtHospital #Child #NewsTamil #NewsTamil24x7
— News Tamil 24×7 (@NewsTamilTV24x7) January 1, 2025
In this regard, the parents have submitted a petition to the Collector, requesting that action be taken against the doctors at both the Tiruppur and Coimbatore hospitals. They have also sought relief for the victims as compensation for the negligence displayed by the hospitals.
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