Pakistani Hindu group to visit India for a pilgrimage trip

A group of Hindus from Pakistan, who are a minority, are coming to India this month for a pilgrimage trip, to visit the temples here. Just like how Muslims of India go on the Hajj pilgrimage, Hindus of Pakistan have formed a group for pilgrimage visits to India. This visit is meant to strengthen ties between Pakistani and Indian governments.

When speaking about this initiative, the Pakistan Hindu Council leader Ramesh Kumar said, “This step is a big one to make the relationship between India and Pakistan much more stronger.” This step has been taken on the occasion of the English New Year. The group is expected to reach India on January 20th. It is also reported that they are to visit a number of temples as pilgrimage, around India.

The 157 pilgrims in the group belong to India and they are all set to visit holy sites in Hasan Abdal in the Punjab province to perform their rituals. Similarly, in November last year, a group of 60 Pakistani pilgrims visited the Nizamuddin Awliya temple in New Delhi as a part of their annual Urs to commemorate the day of remembrance of a Sufi saint. This group’s leader called these religious exchanges as ‘Faith Tourism’.

(With inputs from Kathir News)

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