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Pakistan MP says eating locusts can cure corona

A Pakistan MP gave a weird solution to help the country address the issues of locusts and coronavirus. Riyaz Fatyana, the MP from NA-113 constituency claimed that eating locusts can cure coronavirus.

A video of his address in the Parliament has gone viral on social media in which he says “Coronavirus can be cured by eating locusts. If research can be done and it is proven to  be true that eating locusts (tiddi) can generate coronavirus antibodies, then the people of Pakistan will themselves solve the issue of locusts and the government will not have to do much,”

The video has gone viral on social media. Earlier this month, another Pakistan Minister suggested an unusual cure for COVID-19.

In a viral video, Fazal-ur-Rahman the  Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (F), said “The more you sleep, your virus will also sleep and it won’t be able to harm you. Hence, it sleeps when you sleep and it also dies when we die.”

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