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Pakistan gives China contracts to mine rare earth from Gilgit Baltistan in direct violation of international laws

In direct violation of international laws and defiance of its own Constitution, Pakistan occupied Gilgit Baltistan region has been given to Chinese mining companies by the Pakistan government to plunder the rare earth minerals in the region.

China has been given over 2000 leases for the mining of gold, uranium and molybdenum. These contracts have been awarded illegally to Chinese firms by the Pakistan government in Gilgit and Baltistan, also known as Northern Areas.

Just a few days back, China had given Pakistan $1 billion to pay the loan taken from Saudi Arabia. Since Pakistan is not in a financial position to pay the money back to China, the Imran Khan government without giving any consideration for environmental norms have allotted illegal mining contracts.

Nasir Aziz Khan, the exiled leader and Chief Spokesperson of United Kashmir People’s National Party (UKPNP), a prominent political outfit in this region made this disclosed.

“We will expose Pakistan’s conspiracy to plunder natural resources in the forthcoming convention of the United Nations in Geneva, next month,” Aziz had told IANS over the phone.

Under article 257 of the Constitution of Pakistan, the government in Islamabad has no right to plunder natural resources in GB.

“Rules are being blatantly flouted. The media cannot report. People who raise voice in GB are being punished. In such given circumstances when no one can oppose any decision, natural resources are being looted. Pakistan is playing into the hands of China,” Aziz said.

“Local people are not consulted. Their interests have been totally ignored. The move to oblige China in the GB area also violates international laws,” the UKPMP leader who lives in Geneva, Switzerland added.

“Consequently huge dams are being blatantly constructed. Precious mines, minerals and other resources are being plundered. The entire area is under the influence of China. In lieu of giving military support to Pakistan, the Chinese are looting our land and its rich resources,” said the exiled leader of UKPNP.

Islamabad has also signed a multi-billion dollar contract with Beijing to build Diamer Bhasha dam in an area that belongs to India.

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