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Pakistan fails again, this time to list Indians as terrorists

Pakistan, that has the highest number of its nationals that are listed in the UN terror list, failed to list two Indians as United Nations listed international terrorist under the 1267 committee of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

In the month of June this year, Pakistan again tried to raise the issue of Kashmir in the UN which was resoundingly defeated. In this latest attempt, Pakistan was blocked by 5 UNSC countries–UK, USA, France, Germany and Belgium after no evidence was found to substantiate Pakistan’s claims.

Pakistan was keen to list Indian nationals Gobinda Patnaik, and Angara Appaji as UN designated terrorist. However, Pakistan failed to provide any evidence in the time.

India’s envoy to UN T. S. Tirumurti tweeted, “Pakistan’s blatant attempt to politicize 1267 special procedure on terrorism by giving it a religious colour, has been thwarted by UN Security Council. We thank all those Council members who have blocked Pakistan’s designs.”

India had earlier successfully managed to list Jaish-e-Mohammed leader Masood Azhar as a UN listed terrorist. Azhar was responsible for Pulwama terror attack, among several other attacks carried out in India by Islamic jihadists trained by his banned terror group.

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