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NSA Ajit Doval in presence of Pakistan NSA Moeed Yusuf calls for action plan against LeT and JeM at SCO meeting

As the Pakistan government refused to publicly acknowledge Osama Bin Ladan as a terrorist and still believe he was a martyr, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval has proposed a plan of action against Lashkar e Taiba (LeT) and Jaish e Mohammad (JeM) as part of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) framework.

Doval wants the adoption of international standards to counter terror financing, including a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between SCO and the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), and what is even more important is that Doval made this statement in the presence of his Pakistani counterpart Moeed Yusuf.

According to India over the years both the LeT that carried out the 26/11 terror attack in Mumbai, the attack on the Indian parliament, and JeM which was responsible for the Pulwama suicide attack also planned and carried out multiple operations in India in the two decades,

Also, these groups have a long history of promoting infiltration in Jammu and Kashmir and indoctrinating youth across India in radical Islamic Jihadist ideology and have also been involved in terror financing and strongly condemned terrorism in all forms and manifestations, particularly those who carry out cross-border terror attacks, should be brought to justice

Recently a French think tank. the Centre for Analysis of Terrorism in its analysis has warned that Kashmir-focused Pakistani terror outfits are now active in Afghanistan and are planning to target India and its interests
Right now the FATF plenary session is going on in Paris and could soon decide on keeping Pakistan on the grey list or putting it on its blacklist.

The Indian NSA also called for full implementation of United Nations (UN) resolutions and targeted sanctions against UN-designated terrorist individuals and entities and then told SCO members that emerging technology utilized by terrorists, like drones for weapon smuggling and misuse of the dark web, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and social media, must be monitored.
During the SCO meeting of NSAs, Doval called on the importance of cooperation and the need for greater connectivity including, through initiatives like Chahbahar, The International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC), Regional Air Corridors, Ashgabat Agreement will lead to economic gains and building trust but connectivity must respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of nations.
The NSAs of the SCO nations also held detailed discussions on Afghanistan that has recently witnessed a surge in Taliban violence and the territorial gains it has made and why it is important to preserve the gains made in the last two decades in Afghanistan.
Doval said India fully supports the SCO Contact Group on Afghanistan and called for more active involvement.

Though India became a member of the SCO in 2017, it has “physical, spiritual, cultural, and philosophical inter-linkages for centuries with countries that now make up SCO”.

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