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No heaven for NDTV’s Ravish Kumar and other ‘good non-Muslims’, Islamic evangelist Zakir Naik says

Zakir Naik, the rabid Islamic evangelist whose speeches have inspired terrorist attacks in different parts of the world has said in a new video that NDTV’s Ravish Kumar and other ‘good non-Muslims’ will not go to Jannah (Muslim heaven).

In the video titled “Dr Zakir Naik on the fate of Ravish Kumar who stands for Muslims & Righteous Non-Muslims”, he says that despite their noble efforts and taking the side of Muslims, they will not find a place in Jannah. He goes on to explain how they do not deserve the Muslim heaven as they have not converted to Islam. He says that they will go to hell because of the crime of ‘shirk’ (idol worship) which is supposedly a bigger crime than any other crime.

Zakir Naik was responding to a question by one of his follower Furkan who has asked about what would happen to good non-Muslims in the country like Ravish Kumar who not only speak the truth and take the side of Muslims but also show the truth of ‘oppressors’.

“Not just him, there are many others from different professions who are like him. What will Allah do to him if they do not die as Muslims as they do not deserve equal punishment like other ‘bigger wrongdoers’,” Furkan asks Naik

Zakir Naik elaborates about how there are different levels within the Jannah (the paradise garden) and not all Muslims will be on the same level in the Jannah. Likewise, he says that there are different levels in hell too. He says that people like Ravish Kumar will go to a moderate hell but hell nevertheless as they have committed the sin of idol worship.

He goes further to say that embracing Islam is the ‘pass-mark’ required to go to Jannah. Virtues like honesty, charity will only fetch ‘5-10 marks’ in the exam for heaven, he says.

“Muslims with such virtues will get their additional 5-10 marks but any non-Muslim irrespective of his virtues will only go to hell”, Zakri Naik says.

He finally ends it by saying that he prays for people like Ravish to convert to Islam.

In essence, the Islamic evangelist asks kafir Ravish Kumar to go to hell.

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