No, Guv Ravi Did Not Call For Banning Kula Deivams; DMK-Supporting Dravidianists Peddle Fake News 

Dravidianist supporters of the DMK in Tamil Nadu are continuously engaging in spreading false propaganda. It seems they are unable to rest unless they target either the BJP or the Governor every single day. Throughout the day, we have uncovered numerous instances of fake news being circulated, including misleading edits targeting Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, the RSS, and now Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi. These falsified reports are being disseminated in regional languages, misleading the public.

Recently, Dravidianists fabricated a news card under the guise of a regional news channel,Polimer News‘. Upon receiving the news, the channel promptly refuted it and exposed the falsified card. Subsequently, many of the vigorous spreaders of this misinformation on social media platforms deleted their posts and comments.

In an attempt to divert attention from the mishandling of the Kallakuruchi hooch tragedy, they created a fake news card claiming it to be the words of Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi. The falsified card purportedly quoted Governor Ravi as advocating for the ban of clan deity worship, blaming it for turning Tamils into drinkers and linking it to deaths related to alcoholism.

The fake news card stated, Clan deity worship should be banned. It is the clan deities that turn Tamils ​​into drunkards; Clan Deity, Nattar Deity, and village temple festivals that are the basis for alcoholism-related deaths should be banned. – Governor Ravi”

Below are some of the now-deleted fake posts propagated by supporters of the DMK on social media:



Previously, on the issue concerning the Chidambaram temple, Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi alleged that forced virginity tests, specifically the two-finger test, were conducted on minor girls suspected to be victims of child marriage. RG Anand, a member of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), supported these allegations in May 2023.

NCPCR member Anand tweeted that after conducting inquiries in Chidambaram, he confirmed,All the allegations made by the Governor are true. He also mentioned that a detailed report would be submitted to the NCPCR Chairperson Priyank Kanoongo regarding his findings.

Responding to reports that disputed the investigation’s findings, Anand clarified, It is regrettable that a few media outlets published untrue statements about the NCPCR’s investigation in Chidambaram.He further reiterated his stance to journalists in Salem, stating,The claims made by Governor R.N. Ravi are true.He explained that through inquiries with the affected families and verification of police records, they confirmed the use of the two-finger test on the girls, with police records indicating intact hymen as evidence.

Anand clarified, Some sections of the media reported statements contradicting the Governor’s claims, which is not accurate. I am providing this explanation today to correct the misinformation.”



However, Sun News, a mouthpiece of the DMK, denied these and called them allegations.


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