Movies by the Seine river has replaced cinema theatres amid COVID-19 

The COVID-19 lockdown has paused the experience of going to cinema theatres and watching a movie while munching on snacks.

However, for the people of Paris the thrill continues as they can now watch movies from a boat on the Seine river.

On 18 July, 2020, people boarded 38 electric boats to watch the movie – ‘Le Grand Bain,’ a 2018 French comedy for free.

People who were unable to board the boats watched from deck chairs on the screen that floated over the river.

This is a part of the Paris Plages. Every year, a part of the Seine river is transformed into man-made beaches.

Although cinemas have resumed in France, the level of occupancy is not seeing a hike.

However, the virus continues to increase the number of daily cases ahead of the summer holiday season.

Organizers are planning to conduct similar movie showings during the Paris Plages festival that lasts for 6 weeks.

It usually offers a plethora of sporting activities but keeping in mind the ongoing pandemic, most activities are limited due to the implementation of strict restrictions.

Source: WION