Mexican first lady sparks uproar on Twitter

Mexican first lady Beatriz Gutierrez was the center of tension on social media regarding her response to a tweet about children diagnosed with cancer.

She published a post on Twitter celebrating the second anniversary of her husband, Andres Manuel Lobez Obrador elected as the President of Mexico. In response to her tweet, she was questioned about what she was doing to help parents of children with cancer. She responded by saying, “I am not a doctor, maybe you are. On you go, you help them.” Her tweet stands deleted.

People were quick to criticize her action by calling it “insensitive.” They even trended the hashtag #LaBrujaDelPalacio which translates to ‘The Witch of the Palace.’ However, she had her supporters on her side who wanted people to respect her in this situation.

She later posted an apology – “If my expression ‘I’m not a doctor’ offended anyone, I apologize. I just want to express that I am deeply human and I wish the best for everyone,” she wrote. Besides, it seemed that she was pointing fingers at the President’s opponents when she added, “My husband’s adversaries are very inquisitive.”

Earlier this year, the President was criticized for a shortage of medicines to treat children with cancer. It had a detrimental effect on his popular image. The President’s office refrained from commenting on the row that diverted attention from his anniversary celebration.


Source: Reuters