Meet the 3 year old baker who has baked and delivered 1000 cookies to COVID frontline workers

Mia Villa, a 3-year-old girl from Stillwater, Oklahoma, is thanking those on the frontlines fighting COVID-19 by delivering homemade cookies. She has been baking ever since she was 18 months old, and has become a sensation after she baked and delivered over 1000 cookies to the frontline workers of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Named Mia’s Cookie Jar, this venture was started by Mia and her mother Devin, who make deliveries a few times a week to police stations, hospitals, fire stations, and other places. Each batch that they deliver is baked fresh that morning and gets boxed up, with a picture from Mia. At every place they’ve delivered cookies to, Mia has gotten to learn a bit more about what each first-responder does, from fighting fires to healing wounds.

“With the pandemic and everything being shut down, [there’s] a lot of pressure on the first-responders,” Devin said, “I use this is a way to teach her about the people that we are most grateful for and she can do something she loves.” “She does it all by herself,” Devin added. But Mia’s younger brother Gino is her quality assurance team, taste-testing cookies whenever he’s needed.

She is the great-granddaughter of the former mayor of Amsterdam, and has become viral on Facebook and Instagram, gaining what she calls “cookie followers”. She regularly bakes and posts recipes about the project.

Source: The Daily Gazette