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Man saves a drowning baby deer in US

Amidst news of cruelty against animals over the past few days, here is an incident from the other side of the world that restores a little faith in the human species. In a heart-warming incident, a family from USA saved a baby deer from drowning and brought it back to life.

A man named Brian with his brother was fishing at Lake Tytler near Texas, USA. They saw a baby deer which was struggling for life as it supposedly fell into the lake. Brian and his brother rescued the unconscious baby deer that was struggling to breath. The brothers started giving the baby deer mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.  Within moments, thier efforts paid off as the deer gained consciousness and started to breathe.

The video of the incident has been doing the rounds in social media with Brian and his brother winning hearts of netizens.

Animals facing cruelty from humans is an everyday affair. However, the death of a pregnant pachyderm in Kerala and the blowing off of a cow’s jaw in Himachal Pradesh (both of them were given food laden with explosives) has touched the consciousness of humans bringing to focus the issue of violence against animals.

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