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Man from Assam spends out of his pocket and constructs roads for his village

In a day and age where people are incessantly complaining about the government not catering to their needs like constructing roads and providing clean water, Utpal Jyoti Dadhora, a local youth from the village of Lehugaon decided to take matters into his own hands after getting tired of waiting for the government’s response.

The arterial road connecting Lehugaon and Nagaon had been affected due to natural calamities and was in a very bad condition. Local villages and even the MLA had asked the government to construct the road to no avail.

Finally, Utpal had come forward and spent his own money to construct the road and help the villagers. He spent ₹2 lakh of his own money to construct roads in his village.

Utpal said that due to the worsening condition of the road, the villagers were facing a lot of problems. “I am trying to help the villagers and give some relief from the problems they are facing. Earlier, the villagers met the local MLA and he assured a proper the road, but he didn’t do anything,” Utpal said. He was also quoted saying, “They (MLAs and government) assured us that all rural roads in our area will be constructed very soon. But we couldn’t wait any longer.”

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