Man feels lump in throat, scan shows that he swallowed Airpod while sleeping

In a bizarre event that happened in Massachusetts in the United States of America, a man woke up to a lump in his throat only for the doctors to tell him that he had accidentally swallowed his Airpod while sleeping.

Bradford Gauthier woke up one morning with an uneasy feeling in his throat that just refused to go away. He went on to shovel the snow in front of his house and had several gulps of water, or rather, tried to.

“It wouldn’t go down, I had to lean over to let it spill out into the sink. Gross,” he wrote on his Facebook profile talking about the unusual event.

He added that he searched his bedroom looking for his two Airpods, but managed to find only one. Trying to put two and two together, he then went to get a scan following his son’s suggestion and realised that what had been a running joke had indeed become true. He had immediately booked a doctor’s appointment and gotten an endoscopy done. This incident is a serious warning to those who wear their earbuds while sleeping.

This is not the first time that some such an incident has happened. A Taiwanese man discovered that his Airpods still worked normally after he had swallowed them and they were surgically removed from his stomach.


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