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Madurai: BJP OBC Morcha Leader Sakthivel Brutally Attacked & Killed In Broad Daylight

Image Credits: Puthiya Thalaimurai

In a shocking incident that has left the city of Madurai in dismay, Sakthivel, a 34-year-old district secretary of the BJP in Madurai, was brutally murdered by an unidentified gang near the Vandiyur tollgate. The incident occurred as Sakthivel was on his way to his rice mill godown in the Sangu Nagar area early in the morning of 15 February 2024. 

Sakthivel, a resident of the Vandiyur Devar Kurinji Nagar area in Anna Nagar, also managed a rice mill in Chintamani. Additionally, he was known to be engaged in the finance business. Maalai Malar reports that there had been ongoing animosity, particularly concerning his rice mill, which is now being scrutinized by investigators.

The harrowing sequence of events unfolded when Sakthivel encountered a mysterious mob on motorcycles near the Vandiyur tollgate. Despite attempting to inquire about their identity and purpose, the gang remained silent. Matters took a grim turn when they brandished deadly weapons, causing Sakthivel to attempt an escape. Unfortunately, the assailants pursued him, cornered him, and unleashed a vicious attack with power sickles, resulting in his untimely death.

The Anna Nagar police were promptly alerted to the scene, and the body of Sakthivel was seized and sent to the Madurai Government Hospital for post-mortem examination. A case has been registered, and a special task force has been assembled to apprehend the perpetrators who swiftly fled the crime scene on motorcycles.

Initial investigations suggest that the murder may be linked to longstanding disputes, both in the context of the rice mill business and a recent disagreement over the sale of a cargo vehicle. Authorities are also exploring potential connections to financial dealings, adding layers of complexity to the ongoing probe.

The news of Sakthivel’s demise has drawn a crowd of BJP executives and volunteers at the government hospital, where the police have increased their presence to manage the heightened tension. As the city grapples with the shock of this brutal incident, authorities are diligently examining surveillance footage from major roads in the hope of shedding light on the identity and motive of the assailants.

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