The Madras High Court has directed the Tamil Nadu government, the Director General of Police (DGP), and the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to respond to a petition filed by Palanivel, the father of a child who tragically died after falling into a septic tank at a private school in Vikravandi, Villupuram district. The petition seeks the transfer of the investigation to the CBI or the Crime Branch-Criminal Investigation Department (CBCID).
The incident occurred on 3 January 2025, when Lia Lakshmi, an LKG student at a private higher secondary school in Vikravandi, reportedly fell into a septic tank near the school’s toilet and lost her life. Following a complaint by her father, the Vikravandi police registered a case against the school’s principal and other staff members.
In his plea, Palanivel raised serious concerns about the handling of the case and the school administration’s conduct:
- Delayed Notification: The school failed to inform the parents about their child’s admission to the hospital promptly.
- Failure to Inform Authorities: Despite the police station being just 20 meters from the school, law enforcement was not notified before the child was taken to the hospital.
- Doubts on Incident Narrative: Palanivel disputed the claim that his daughter fell into a septic tank, pointing out that her clothes were not soaked, but instead had bloodstains.
- Evidence Preservation Concerns: He alleged that the school administration might destroy surveillance footage and intimidate witnesses.
- Threats by Police: Palanivel claimed that the Vikravandi police threatened him to return his daughter’s bloodstained clothes or face case closure.
The petitioner also highlighted the lack of safety measures in the school and requested an order to preserve the CCTV footage as part of the investigation.
The case was heard by Justice G.R. Swaminathan. The police’s legal counsel, S. Vinodkumar, sought additional time to respond to the petition. Meanwhile, the petitioner’s lawyer urged the court to issue an interim order to secure the CCTV recordings from the school.
Justice Swaminathan stated that a decision would be made after the respondents filed their replies. The court has directed the Tamil Nadu government, the DGP, and the CBI to respond to the petition and has scheduled the next hearing for 4 February 2025.
(With inputs from OneIndia Tamil)
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