Congress MP Rahul Gandhi Spoke At A ‘Spy Factory’ At Event Moderated By Controversial Ex-Clinton Aide Luce

On 10 September 2024, Congress MP Rahul Gandhi participated in a discussion hosted by Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Foreign Service (SFS). The event, moderated by Edward Luce, has stirred interest due to the SFS’s controversial reputation and Luce’s background. Gandhi, currently on a three-day visit to the US, has been meeting people and making controversial remarks during his first foreign visit since becoming the Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha.

Walsh School of Foreign Service: The ‘Spy Factory’

The Walsh School of Foreign Service, where Gandhi’s discussion took place, is notorious among some investigative circles for its alleged close ties to intelligence and defence agencies. Dubbed the “Spy Factory of the CIA,” the SFS is reputed to be a training ground for operatives who go on to serve in the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, and other national security entities. This reputation has led to numerous reports suggesting that SFS plays a pivotal role in the intelligence community.

Edward Luce: A Controversial Moderator

Edward Luce, who moderated the event, has a contentious history. Formerly a speechwriter for Treasury Secretary Larry Summers during the Clinton administration from 1999 to 2000, Luce is now the chief US commentator for the Financial Times. He served as the South Asia bureau chief for the Financial Times (FT) in New Delhi from 2001 to 2006. Known for his critical stance on Indian politics and public disagreements with supporters of the BJP, Luce’s background includes a family history of colonial service and a career often intersecting with criticism of Indian institutions. Educated at Oxford and married into an Indian family, Luce now resides in Washington, D.C., serving as FT’s chief US Commentator. Known for blocking BJP supporters on Twitter and his critical writings on India and its leadership, Luce’s current role at FT coincides with the paper’s ongoing scrutiny of the Adani Group.

Given Luce’s colonial legacy, it is worth noting that the Congress party was founded by imperial interests as a counterbalance to Indian freedom fighters. Given this historical context, it seems likely that Edward Luce made a concerted effort to make Rahul Gandhi feel welcome.

Funding and Affiliations: Concerns Over Influence

The SFS is also linked to several controversial funding sources. Many faculty members have received substantial grants from organizations associated with the Muslim Brotherhood and the Qatari royal family and have connections to Al Jazeera’s network. These faculty members are said to be heavily involved with Islamic organizations that oppose India, supporting activists from various backgrounds. This has raised concerns about potential biases and external influences on the academic environment at Georgetown.

Regime Change Allegations

A recent report by Disinfo Lab implicated various organizations, such as the Henry Luce Foundation, in efforts related to regime change in India.

The report “The Invisible Hands: Foreign Interference in Indian Elections 2024” alleged that Western entities invested significant financial resources to influence the 2024 Indian Lok Sabha elections. It accused the US-based Henry Luce Foundation (HLF), George Soros’ Open Society Foundation (OSF), and French Indolologist Christophe Jaffrelot of a coordinated effort to sway Indian voters.

The 85-page document claims that these global actors, including academic and media figures, campaigned to shape public opinion during the election period from 19 April 2024 to 1 June 2024. Key figure Christophe Jaffrelot is noted for promoting anti-India narratives, mainly through Western media. His advocacy for a caste census, a prominent issue in the Congress Party’s manifesto, is cited as evidence of his influence. Additionally, Jaffrelot is accused of spreading false claims about the dominance of upper castes in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

The report details substantial financial contributions from HLF, including support for Jaffrelot’s research and various projects critical of Hindu nationalism. HLF is also linked to funding for the Berkley Center at Georgetown University and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Similarly, Soros’ OSF is said to have financed activist Ricken Patel’s efforts, including propaganda critical of the ruling party and support for Indian think tanks.

The Lok Sabha elections concluded with the NDA government, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, securing a third consecutive term. The report highlights the high voter turnout, with 642 million participants and a record 312 million female voters.

This raises questions about the nature of academic and political exchanges involving prominent Indian leaders and institutions with such affiliations.

The convergence of these factors—Gandhi’s engagement with a department known for its intelligence connections, Luce’s controversial background, and the funding ties of the SFS faculty—has sparked debate. Critics are questioning the implications of these affiliations for Gandhi’s visit and the broader context of international political interactions. While some dismiss these concerns as coincidental, the scrutiny reflects ongoing tensions over global influence and domestic politics.

(This article is based on an X post by The Pamphlet)

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