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Kerala school teacher mocks Hindu gods during online classes, says only Christ existed

A school teacher in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala while taking a class online for students of 9th grade was heard mocking Hindu gods and questioned the existence of Hindu gods while preaching Christianity saying only Jesus Christ existed.

The teacher named Brinda who was teaching students of Cotton Hill School, Thiruvananthapuram also said that she has all the evidence to say that Christ existed.

After this incident came to light, the parents of the students in her class complained to the PTA management of the school. Parents complained that the teacher was trying to eliminate the concept of Hindu gods from the minds of children.

Also, the same school had published a souvenir before few years containing cartoons that insulted Hindu Gods and after protests by Hindu organizations, the school management was forced to withdraw the souvenir.
It has also been alleged that the PTA of Cotton Hill school is under the strong influence of CPI (M) activists who silently support anti-Hindu sentiments in the school.

(With inputs from Organiser)

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