Kerala Congress Goes Bonkers On Social Media Especially After Exit Poll Numbers

The social media handle of Kerala Congress on platform X seems to be going on a rambling overdrive on the platform making irrelevant comments and posts assuming they are “intelligent” comebacks.

Bullying CEOs

The most recent one was when the X handle of Kerala Congress questioned travel aggregator Ease My Trip over the “resumption” of booking to the Maldives.

The post said, “Couple of months ago online travel aggregator @EaseMyTrip made a nationalistic move by removing Maldives as a destination from their flight and hotel booking platform to support Modi. Now they have quietly resumed booking to Maldives. We are wondering what happened. Is it a sign of something? Is money more important than Modi? Money will come and go, so is Modi!”

In response to Kerala Congress’s post, EaseMyTrip’s CEO Nishant Pitti replied, “Dear @INCIndia, thank you for your concern. @EaseMyTrip has halted Maldives bookings from January 8th until today. Some bookings did occur between May 16th – 26th, but we took immediate action and got them removed. Why focus only on us? Are you not aware of other Chinese-owned travel portals that never stopped promoting Maldives in the first place? We’ve been serving for the last 16 years without any foreign investments. Yes, you’re right, nothing is permanent—the money will come and go. But our nationalistic approach will never change. By the way, we are here for the long haul, and it’s not easy for us to go. Hope you understand

Following this response from Pitti, the Kerala Congress handle further continued trolling the CEO. They wrote, “Thanks @nishantpitti for the clarification. It’s reassuring to know that it was a technical glitch and was not testing waters. Given your mention of China, why do you still allow bookings to China? Hope you know they seized 4,067 km² of our territory and our 20 soldiers made ultimate sacrifice. To protest and demonstrate your nationalistic stance, will you remove Chinese cities from your service at the earliest? Take it from us, that will make headlines more than Maldives and boost the image of your brand even more among nationalist Indians. Over to you.”

This was also debunked by fact-checking handles that, “As per data, there is no passenger movement from China to India & India to China directly.  Instead of introspecting Exit Poll results, Congress is busy in attacking EaseMyTrip’s Founder Nishant Pitti with wrong facts.”

Nitpicking News Channels

With all exit polls going against the Congress, this specific handle went overboard to nitpick Zee News for publishing “wrong numbers“. In reality, the channel had telecast one exit poll in collaboration with Matrize which gave the NDA 353-367 seats while an AI-based poll telecast a couple of days later gave the NDA 305-315 seats. The handle displayed its ignorance quite blatantly – either they were too naive to not realise it was 2 different polls or had some issues with reading and comprehension. They wrote, “Markets correct over time. Its the first time the world is seeing exits polls correcting over time. BJP lost 50 seats in just two days!”

Meltdown Over PM Modi’s “Handwriting”

Another post was made over PM Modi’s “handwriting” and the use of two pens (with different inks) for writing and signing. The post read, “One doubt. Why will one write with a blue pen and sign with a black pen? Ran out of ink? Btw, the writer has good handwriting.”

It is understood that PM Modi is not well-versed in English and that most often such notes are written by his PA or other designated staff in the PMO under which he places his signature.

Talks About Rashmika’s Post Rather Than Focusing On Kerala’s Condition

Back in May 2024, film star Rashmika Mandanna was in the news for praising the Modi government. In response to her video on Atal Setu, Kerala Congress handle posted, “Dear Rashmika Mandanna Ji, The nation has seen paid ads and surrogate ads before. This is the first time we are seeing an ED-directed ad. It came out well. Good job! We noticed that the Atal Setu appears practically empty from your ad. Being from Kerala, we initially thought that Mumbai has such low traffic, so we checked with our friends in @INCMumbai. They informed us that the Rajiv Gandhi Bandra-Worli Sea Link has much higher traffic and shared a video for reference. Take a look at this video.”

They further shared some “data” and claimed that people were not using the bridge owing to its high toll charges of ₹250.

Veteran RSS leader Ratan Sharda produced facts to counter Kerala Congress’ claims. He wrote, “Since #Congress has decided to present facts, here are a few – Bandra Worli sea link tender floated by @nitin_gadkari was around 440 cr. After Congi came to power, new tender was approved 1600 cr & project handed to Pawar Kaka friend HCC of Lavasa fame with 23% “cost overrun” And don’t compare intracity traffic where there are hardly any choice, with intercity traffic. You should be ashamed that #Congress sat over Atal Setu project from 1963! Congress never paid any attention to Mumbai except for political funding

Netizens also mercilessly trolled the handle over the post.

It seems as if the Congress is going to go bonkers when the results are announced on 4 June 2024 and the signs of that are already very visible. It will be torture for netizens to withstand their reactions going forward.

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