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Kejriwal announces ‘cheap’ solution to Delhi’s winter smog problem

Ahead of the winter and the looming menace that the smog poses year after year, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has proposed a cheap solution to combat the menace. A solution to stubble burning has been found by scientists, a liquid which turns it into manure for fields, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said today while talking of the national capital’s plans to curb pollution in the backdrop of the coronavirus outbreak.

“They have developed ‘bio-decomposer’ capsules, which are used to prepare a liquid formulation. The solution, when sprayed in the fields, can decompose crop residue and turn it into manure,” Mr Kejriwal said after inspecting his government’s centralized bio-decomposer system set up in Kharkhari Nahar village in southwest Delhi. The solution increases soil fertility and reduces the use of fertilisers, he said.

“We have estimated that only 20 lakh is needed to manage stubble in 700 hectares of agricultural land in Delhi through this solution. It includes the cost of preparation, transportation and spraying,” he added.

This is to be used in the region where the non-Basmati rice is grown. The solution is to be ready by October 11, and upon the farmers’ consent in terms of spraying in their fields, this solution could be sprayed onto the waste, as stated by the CM.

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