Jacinda Ardern gets voted the most popular PM in New Zealand

In a poll conducted by the Newshub-Reid Research, New Zealand’s Prime minister Jacinda Ardern has been voted the most popular PM in a century. The reason for this spike in approval is because of her efforts in containing the virus. Their citizens are now calling it the ‘Jacinda-mania’.

For the first time since the pandemic the opinion polls conducted, showed Ardern’s Labour Party getting the highest approval rating ever received by any party at 56.5%.

This poll, which was conducted between May 8 and 16, was based on the public’s reaction to the third level of lockdown. Their government eased the lockdown around late April, after a month of strict level 4 lockdown, opening businesses like malls, gyms and cafes.

New Zealand is steadily emerging victorious from the pandemic, at a rate of 1499 total cases and 21 deaths compared to the global number of 4.7 million cases and 315000 deaths.