“Indian Men’s Attitude Towards Women Is Ridiculous, BJP-RSS Wants To Confine Women In Home”: Rahul Gandhi Says; RSS Author Slams Congress MP Saying His Party Has A History Of Sexual Abuse

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi launched a broadside against Indian men, labeling their attitudes towards women as “just ridiculous” and accusing the BJP and RSS as proponents of outdated gender roles. However, his sweeping criticisms ring hollow given his silence on pressing issues closer to home.

While Gandhi maligns Indian men from afar, he remains conspicuously silent on critical issues at home, such as the horrific rape and murder of a young doctor at RG Kar Medical College in Kolkata—a case involving his ally, Mamata Banerjee’s government. When a reporter had questioned him on his stand on the brutal case, he deflected the question, calling it a “distraction“.

Rahul Gandhi In Texas

In a speech delivered during his visit to Texas in USA, Congress scion and Lok Sabha MP Rahul Gandhi, attacked Indian men saying that their attitude towards woman is “just ridiculous”.

He also peddled canards about the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), as well as the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Rahul Gandhi said “I mean.. it starts with sorry… It starts with a bad attitude that Indian males have towards women. And I don’t mean every single Indian male. But a large number of Indian males attitude towards women is just.. it’s ridiculous. Right? So, it starts there. And it’s a particular way of thinking about women and you see it. We see it in the political system. We see it in the business system. We see it everywhere.

He also said “BJP and RSS believe that women should be restricted in a particular role. They should stay at home. They should cook the food. They should not talk too much. Right? And we believe that women should be allowed to aspire to whatever they want to do.

Ratan Sharda Slams Gandhi

Slamming Rahul Gandhi for his unwarranted speech, RSS worker and author Ratan Sharda said that the Congress leader’s party has a history of sexual abuse.

#RSS #BJP has no history of exploiting or oppressing women. From Tandoor killing to Assam & Kerala, #RahulGandhi party has glorious history of sexual abuse. RSS & allies organisations have more women members than all the left organisations put together.“, Ratan Sharda said.

This is not the first time that Rahul Gandhi has denigrated Indian men from foreign soil in an attempt to position himself as a “champion of women’s rights”.

In August 2018, during a speech Bucerius Summer School in Germany, Rahul Gandhi saidI would agree with the idea that the treatment of women in India leaves a lot to be desired. I think there is a huge amount of violence against women in India. Lot of it is visible. Lot of it is on the street. Huge amount of it is invisible. You never see it. It happens in houses. Women never talk about it. I think it is a cultural issue. It is an issue of how Indian men view Indian women. The fact that violence is increasing dramatically in India, women are actually getting a huge share of it. I think it is a tragedy. I think that is the single most important thing that India needs to do, is change the way its men view its women.

A Hypocritical Champion Of Women’s Rights

Gandhi’s disparaging remarks about the BJP and RSS come across as both misguided and hypocritical. While he chooses to criticize Indian men from abroad, he has been notably silent on pressing domestic issues, such as the brutal rape and murder of a young doctor at RG Kar Medical College in Kolkata—a case involving his political ally, Mamata Banerjee.

This glaring disconnect highlights Gandhi’s double standards as he tries to project himself as a defender of women’s rights. His international criticisms seem more like an attempt to deflect from his own party’s shortcomings rather than a genuine effort to advance women’s safety.

Gandhi’s Hate Against RSS During Foreign Trips

This isn’t the first time that the Congress scion has used a foreign platform to attack the RSS or BJP outside the country. In 2022, he claimed during a talk at Cambridge University that India is not a nation, but more like a union of states.

Gandhi, citing from a line in the Preamble without context, said, “The exact line is ‘India, that is Bharat, is a union of states’. And the implication of that is there is an ongoing negotiation between this union of states. In the Congress party, we see India as a negotiation between its people. The RSS views India as a geographical entity. That’s the big difference.

He omitted the fact that there are multiple times India has been described as a nation in the Constitution. India is a nation, one single country while European Union is a union of various countries.

This disconnect and deliberate omission of facts betray a troubling pattern. Gandhi’s comments on foreign soil seem like an attempt to promote a fractional agenda against Bharat rather than fostering national cohesion.

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