India has the lowest COVID positive cases per million in the world

India has one of the lowest COVID-19 positive cases per million in the world, Union Health Ministry said. According to World Health Organization Situation Report, India’s cases per million population is around 505 while the global average is at over 1453.

Chile is witnessing around 15459 cases per million population, while the US over 8500, Brazil over 7419, and Spain witness over 5358 cases per million population. The WHO Situation Report also shows that India has one of the lowest deaths per million population. India’s case of deaths per million populations is around 14 while the global average is more than its 4 times, at 68.

The Ministry said India fastened the hospital infrastructure sufficiently and effectively managed the cases. The arrangements of oxygen support, ICU, and ventilator facilities were made available on time. There are over 1200 dedicated COVID hospitals, 2611 dedicated COVID Healthcare Centres, and 9909 COVID Care Centres to look after patients with very severe to very mild symptoms. Early detection and timely effective clinical support have resulted in an increase in the recovery rate.

The Ministry said that coordinated efforts of Central and State governments for prevention, containment, and management of COVID-19 are resulting in the increase in the gap between recovered and active cases. The recovery rate rose to 61.13 now and daily over two lakh samples are being tested on average.

Source: ANI