Amid the ongoing controversy regarding Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s edited video circulated by the Congress, one must look back at a viral video, that came out on 18 December 2024, showing Congress leader Rahul Gandhi allegedly refusing to pay respects to Dr. BR Ambedkar. This had stirred fresh political controversy, intensifying the ongoing clash between the Congress and BJP.
In the video, Gandhi is seen honoring Shivaji Maharaj’s bust, but when it comes to Ambedkar’s portrait, he places the garland down and moves on to the third portrait, leading to accusations that he snubbed the Dalit icon.
🚨Take a close look at this video carefully.
Rahul Gandhi garlanded everyone except Bhim Rao Ambedkar. This exposes his disgusting mindset. His fake love for BR Ambedkar is completely evident.
— BALA (@erbmjha) December 18, 2024
The video quickly became a focal point in the broader debate triggered by Shah’s controversial statement about Ambedkar, made during his Constitution Day speech in the Rajya Sabha. Shah had remarked, “It has become a fashion to say Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar. If they had taken God’s name that many times, they would have reached heaven.” His comments have sparked protests from opposition parties, especially the Congress, which accuses the BJP of undermining the legacy of the architect of the Indian Constitution.
In October 2024, Rahul Gandhi faced backlash after a photo surfaced showing Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s picture placed on the floor during a meeting with representatives of the Valmiki community at his mother Sonia Gandhi’s residence. The incident occurred during Gandhi’s visit for Valmiki Jayanti on 17 October 2024.
Ambedkar ji on Ground
Rahul Gandhi on Chair
— Ankur Singh (@iAnkurSingh) October 17, 2024
While Gandhi had publicly praised Ambedkar, his photo’s image carelessly positioned on the ground sparked outrage. Critics accused him of disrespecting Ambedkar’s legacy, especially in honoring Maharishi Valmiki, leading to accusations of hypocrisy and disrespect toward the architect of the Indian Constitution.
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